Re: Srimad Bhagavatam - A Yogc interpretation
|| om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ||
|| om para-bramhaNe namah: ||
|| om paramAtmane namah: ||
|| shri kRshNArpaNamastu ||
vasudeva sutam devam kauMsa chANura mardanam
devaki paramAnandam kRshNam vande jagat-gurum
Namaste Truth-Seeker (and others)
This pinDa-BramhAnDa relation that you have presented here, has been experienced and sensed, acknowledged over the years. Swami Chinmayananda also uses this approach in his book on Bhagvat.
Today, ever-kRpALU Gurudev and prANanAtha Mukunda was pinned into a no-movement position saying He has to answer some important questions
and no evasive answers please. (As if the mercy and grace He had been showering since morning in terms of the reward of His transcendental association wasn't enough!).
After feigning a mock-surprise at this behaviour, He conveyed the Truth without words, speech, conversation, as always.
As it is said, the individual body (pinDa) is a replica of the BramhAnDa (Universe). Therefore, the Yogic interpretation is right in its own light.
A more accurate and specific mapping of each aspect inside the individual
is given in Bhagavatam itself - e.g. SB 3.26.21 - 39, 68,69,70(chaturvyuha upAsana). (found notes from last year - fortunately)
( Table:
vyuha (whorl) # | adhishthAtri devatA (presiding deity) | upAsya devatA (worshipable Deity) | Adhibhautik (physical element) | adhyAtmik ( inner element)
vyuha 1 | kshetrajn~a AtmA | VAsudeva | mahattattva | chitta
vyuha 2 | Rudra | sankarshaNa (balarAm) | panchabhUta(5 elements) + indrIya(senses) + mana(mind) | ahaMkAra (ego)
vyuha 3 | chandra | aniruddha | mana (mind) | mana (mind)
vyuha 4 | bramhA | pradyumna | buddhi (intellect) | buddhi (intellect)
(The asuras are also explained as aspects of vices in detail in VANipedia (as explained by the GauDIya VaishNav AchAryas).
All 14 material lokas (worlds), all devatA (presiding over the sense organs (indrIya), mind, ego, intellect, all daivI guNa (divine qualities) personified, all asura (demoniac instincts), KRshNa, RAdhA, Gop-Gopis,
the chaturvyuha, SadAshiva, Gauri, go-mAtA, VAsudeva-KRshNa(DwArakAdheesh) as Guru, the disciple, NArAyaNa,
Shri, all pArshads, HanumAn, all reside in this deha.
This appearantly local deha (body) is a universe in itself, and that was [re-?]realized in a flash. Want to preserve this flash-moment, a precious chintAmaNi-gift from that Govinda Mukunda DAmodara MAdhava.
There is no I in this deha. The whole exercise of finding or [re]discovering the "I" is futile, because the moment you put a finger on one saying "This is I", that is not "I" anymore.
Yes, the sAkshi(witness) is I... but there is more to it. The SAkshI is VAsudev and therefore VAsudeva = I. However, when VAsudeva says the highest sAkshi in you is Me, He is using that same logic to convey to us.
The devotee in this mini-universe is dissappointed by that being the end of story, because then who will taste and experience the sweetness of that sweet Mukunda, the granter of muktI (liberation) ? Who will be left to express tears of gratitude to that most compassionate JanArdana, the innermost compassionate Guru Who showed the disciple the moon?
Therefore, the good news is, Mukunda, Radha, RukmiNi, all forms of Shri, Nanda Yashoda, GaruDa, SankarshAN, Aniruddha, SadAshiva, Gauri, GaNesh, all share one AtmA - inside the deha (body) as well as outside pervading the Universe.
This AtmA "transcends" the gross effects of PrakRtI (inside and outside), therefore,
Just as AtmA is alipta - aloof from the [material] body-pinDa ;
Goloka dhAm, VaikunTha and BramhajyotI are "beyond" the [material] BramhAnDa-universe;
Beyond does not mean spatially beyond. It means in a plane of consciousness, a platform of existence untouched by the gross aspects of the universe. And birds of a feather flock together. Consciousnesses of one kind flock together in their loka.
To play leela, some form of pure subtle ego is necessary. This ego can be the disciple, a form-fraction of Shri, a manjari of Radha, a servant of Lakshmi-NArAyaNa, a follower of Hanuman, etc.
However, the jnAni-ego knows that this is just a role that gives AtmAnanda, bliss and satisfaction to the AtmA. This is why we are taught that the purpose of devotional service is to give pleasure to Shri KRshNa, and not for some selfish ego-centric entertainment.
One's Guru also lives in the body-universe. There is no need to just simply wipe the board off till there is no board left. Turn off the external world-TV. Watch the internal-movie. Don't eat too much transcendental
popcorn. Even if it was made in Vraja, with corn harvested by the Gopis.
Kartik navami, 11 Nov 2013
Last edited by smaranam; 11 November 2013 at 10:46 PM.
Reason: mahattattva - typo ; typo ; turned a similie (as a precious chintamani-gift) to metaphor (a precious chintamani) 'cause it is one; added ref verse#s
|| Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||