Thanks Saideo.

My intention was to question the people who underestimates the Sanatana Dharma.

To understand the 1 itself, one has to elevate the mind to that level, where he can see the whole consciousness and prakriti as 1 system.

Only a very few can perceive and assimilate that.

When we are on earth we see at micro resolution. When we see earth from moon, it is a single unit. When from the next star, it is not even a point. When we see our universe from another universe, it is 1 point.

Imagine a mind that can perceieve the whole bramhan and prakriti as 1.

So the question to myislam may be " yes we know God is 1 but do you know what that 1 God means ?"

It is here they lose out as they are seperated from God.

Love and best wishes