Hi All,

I believe that I made an introductory post not too long ago, but if not, I apologize. To reitirate (or explain for the first time), I am writing a book about religion, and I am including testimonies and interviews of people from all walks of life, explaining their backgrounds and beliefs. A few of you have been very helpful, and I'd like to expand this discussion to include more of you in order to properly represent your faith. I would sincerely appreciate it if any of you could answer any or all of the following. If you have any questions or comments for me, please let me know. I thank you in advance for your help.

What prompted your religious quest (upbringing, your own intuition)?

How did you learn about the Hindu faith, and were there ever any doubts about its validity?

What have the differences been, if applicable, between being a Hindu child, and adult, in regards to faith (other than depth of knowledge and thought)?

If you have had doubts, how have you managed to overcome them, and if you haven't had doubts (or even if you have), what are your feelings in regards to members of your religious community who have had their share of doubts?

How has your faith impacted your life and/or lifestyle?

Do you have non-Hindu friends, and if so, do you talk about your beliefs with them? What is the nature of these conversations, and do they usually stay friendly, or do they typically turn hostile?

How would you tell an atheist, or anyone not of the Hindu faith, that they need to join your religious community? In other words, why is the Hindu faith correct (or the truth)?
