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Thread: What is Hinduism?What is Sanathana Dharma

  1. #1

    What is Hinduism?What is Sanathana Dharma

    Namaste everyone,
    I thought of sharing thoughts on this topic since nowadays every topic on Religion(amongst other things) is watched by the World ,thanks to the internet and sites like HDF.
    Please note that whatever is discussed here is purely based on knowledge and understanding that I have tried to attain from everyone and everything around me.I might be wrong in some concepts.

    What is Hinduism?
    one word answer: nothing.
    details: Hinduism is a word coined in early centuries of this millennium by the Persian invaders due to the fact that people of Bharat(present India along with other neighbouring countries) lived on the other side of the river Sindhu(Indus is its international name).So they generally tagged this sect of people as Hindus. gradually came the name Hindu"ism".this is the name used for the practice of the people following the Sanathana Dharma.
    Facts: Nowhere in any of the Vedas, Upanishads or any other book of Knowledge has a mention of the word "Hindu" or "Hinduism". Also, even if the word Hinduism is to be considered for simpler understanding, still Hinduism is not a "Religion". with due respect for other religions, the Sanathana Dharma is not and cannot be regarded as a religion(religion is also a word which came into existance a few millenniums ago).
    What is Sanathana Dharma?
    three word answer: way of life.
    details: Sanathana Dharma literally means Eternal righteousness. although this translation might not be self explanatory for some as the nearest meaning of the Sanskrit words Sanathana = eternal, Dharma= righteousness/law. Sanathana Dharma is not bound by time. In fact according to Sanathana Dharmis(people following the Sanathana Dharma), the concept of time itself is not linear, but cyclic in nature. The term religion cannot be applied to the Sanathana Dharma mainly because it is not bound by anything nor bound to anything. While this is a bit complex for people who are unaware as to what exactly is meant by this, the concept can be explained very easily. any person following the Sanathana Dharma just uses the Jnana(knowledge) while being existing in the Prakruti(Cosmos) for proceeding towards the next stage of a process called as life.The Jnana is used for distinguishing between right and wrong(essential component of Dharma) and after every stage, that person learns more Jnana(from the experience).since this process is eternal for every being/species. the combination of the Dharma being followed by all the species eternally(until Moksha is attained, in which case remaining ones will continue) can be loosely called as Sanathana Dharma. of course this is not the definition of the Sanathana Dharma. this is just a way of expressing as to what the Sanathana Dharma can be viewed as. more concepts of Sanathana Dharma will follow if anyone is interested. please feel free to discuss/correct me if wrong.
    Best Regards,

  2. #2

    Re: What is Hinduism?What is Sanathana Dharma

    Sanatana Dharma literally means, "Eternal Ocupational-Duty"

    Sanatana = Eternal
    Dharma = Duty(s).

    Ergo, The duty of a soul the is titled 'Eternal Duty' indicates an absolute state of existance that in seperate and transcendant to the present set of circumstances that oblige a soul to preform intermitant duties (vs 'Eternal Duty').

    To return to the ORIGINAL/SANATANA residence or origin of the Soul & thus regain the association of eternal souls in pastimes beyond the influence of 'Time' and allthings asat = Sanatana Dharma. This is what Veda Vyasa sought to convey in the Bhagavata-purana.

    To eat, sleep, mate, & defend (the 4 activites preformed by all living sentient beings) is "Asatanana Dharma" [non-eternal dharma] ---yet ironically, the small duties* train-us-up for larger duties.

    'To whom great things are *given great things are expected'.

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