Nice answers and while Grames, IndiaLover and others have covered the Leela (pArshads accompanying BhagavAn on earth) and the HOW part,
(IndiaLover, a request - to specify the Bhagvad Geeta chapter number as well).
BhagavAn Shri KRshNa also says :
BG 15.6 na tad bhAsayate sUryo
na shashAnko na pAvakah: |
yad gatvA na nivartante tad dhAma paramam mama ||
"There" neither the Sun (or an illuminating celestial entity - 'a' sun-star), not the moon, nor electricity is found [nor required].
That abode / place , where once reached, one does not return [here to the mortal world] , is My Highest Abode.
BhagavAn is implying that this place is Self-illuminating. There is no trace of darkness (avidyA) there. If there is no trace of avidyA , no desires, no specifically local-egoistic endeavours, no attempt to serve the ego, then there is no need to come back from that state.
Here, at one level, the place (dhAm) can be taken as a state of being - and with that interpretation, the "dhAm" is right here , while living this life.
At the cosmic or videhi level (videhi avasthA = disembodied state - after the mukta has left the mortal body) - it can be a state and place.
The best part is it can be a STATE irrespective of the place.
The prayer should be "He paramAtmA, I surrrender to You. Wherever You place me, I should never forget You (always be in communion with You), never forget my true nature or Who I truly am."
That would be in alignment with the BG18.66 sarva dharma parityajjya mAmekaM sharaNam vraja ... verse, and truly following BhagvAn Shri KRshNa's instructions.
|| om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ||