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Thread: formication in hands and lips

  1. #1

    formication in hands and lips

    Hello, dear sadhakas!

    I would like to ask you - why is that, when doing japa for some time ( lets say 4-6 rounds of maha-mantra ), I start to feel formication ( creepy feeling, pins and needles or how is it called ) ? Its stronger in my hands and less in my lips.
    It will vanish few minutes after finishing japa, but if I would continue chanting, this "bad" body feeling would just increase.

    Thank you very much for your kind replies!


  2. #2

    Re: formication in hands and lips


    I have never experienced what you are talking about. I'm not sure what you are referring to. You could be experiencing God, but if you say it's a "bad" feeling then you are not.

  3. #3
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    Re: formication in hands and lips


    I had never heard of this condition until today. From the Wikipedia article, it seemed entirely medical, and not related to anything religious.

    The only thing that might make the connection is the releasing of certain hormones during a religious experience, just as adrenaline or other 'natural body produced' stimulants might do. Perhaps this release brings it on for you. I got this idea because it said sometimes Ritalin can cause it.

    I'm sorry for you that you get the condition. Most of us just get very sore knees after sitting for awhile. Perhaps it is His way of telling you to slow down. Just a thought. If it were me, I'd experiment with a few things like wearing long sleeves, but I\m sue you already have.

    Aum Namasivaya

  4. #4

    Re: formication in hands and lips

    Constricted blood circulation.

    Frankly, the symptom you describe is well known as a symptom of the on-set on a heart attack.

    "Numbness in the arms" is a common symptom inre to a heart-condition in early stages.

    OTOH, simply cramping that is subtle. Cramping is due to circulation issues and overt or repeatative/routine activity under time-restraints, thus causing subtile cramping.

    Stretching (as in Hatha-yoga) increases blood circulation and thus also elimination of toxins in each muscle tissue. This may apply to your wrists/foresrms/fingers. A new guitarists or pianist or typist/stenographer will get such pains, esp if done under the oversight of the mentor (butterfly cramps?).

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