Shian explained in the thread(

About the fraudelent activities of christian missionaries:

Shian's post:

i have 4 times get bad experience with christians

1. In my home shrine, my chritian friends has come to my house and they want see my shrine, when i go for fw minutes and then come back i have know one of them is pray in the name of Jesus in front of Earth Teritorial Gods murtis, and he pray to do eviction to my Gods.

2. When i walk out from temple, i see many young christian peoples (have cruch in near of temple) give temple the pamflet of jesus and hell. They moving very faster, i not sure from which cruch they are.

3. In the night i see televison, and have chritsian miracle story, have 2 peoples they sick and cannot good, and in the tv can see they do old religion pray go to Hindu temple (they shoot and take a action give offering in front of temple), they said old gods cannot cure them, after they become christian they become health etc.