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Thread: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

  1. #1
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    Light Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    This is in reply to the observations of sm78 in the thread 'Concept of God in Islam'. Since this reply digresses from the thread topic, I have started this new thread. Members may highlight here the shortcomings of Abrahamic Religions, the false propaganda they spread and the past atrocities committed by their followers, besides discussing how to be proactive in our fight against the adharmic forces.

    Quote Originally Posted by sm78
    Btw, the city you (and I) live in is getting flooded with bangladeshi illegal a few decades we may start seeing the problems.

    Can you please try putting these arguments to likes of Zakir Naik. I have heard he regularly entertains guests from other religions and proves Islam is the root of other religions.

    My only concern is trying to educate some hindu minds about their duty, so that the ill fate of being born in a mleccha religion doesn't destroy their future evolution. Yes this is the only fear I have for hindu's(myself included).
    Our Hindu acharayas these days have come out in support of both propagating Sanatana Dharma and converting willing souls to our fold (without any compulsion or coercion on our part). Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami has an entire section titled Hinduism Has Always Accepted Adoptives and Converts in his book How to Become a (Better) Hindu, and has worked out the modalities for such conversions. (Available for download at:

    I have always wondered why we do not take up religious discussions with our Islamic and Christian friends, who are as educated as we are, and originally belonged to our Hindu tradition. What could be the reason -- apathy, diffidence or an inherent fear of being targeted? How many of us are aware of the limitations and falsities of the adharmic religions and of the atrocities their followers committed in the world in general and to us in particular, in the name of religion?

    Sita Ram Goel, the great patriot and courageous soldier of Sanatana Dharma, says in his book Defence of Hindu Society (available for download at

    The first principle which Hindu society has to observe while preparing its defence is that it will stop processing and evaluating its own heritage in terms of ideas and ideals projected by closed creeds and pretentious ideologies. On the contrary, Hindu society will henceforward process and evaluate the heritage of these creeds and ideologies in terms of its own categories of thought, and find out the real worth of Christian, Islamic, Communist, and Modernist claims. (Italics mine)
    As you say, the first step is that we should know our religion with conviction and educate the grass roots. At the same time, it is our dharma to fight the adharmic forces that try to convert Hindus to their fold by invasion (the refugees) and by every other unethical means.

    Most of us Hindus are by nature unwilling (not incapable) to fight the adharmic forces physically, mainly because of apathy and diffidence, but fortunately, our Hindu youth today are increasingly being aware of this necessity.

    So the other way is to fight the adharmic forces at the intellectual level, like our first guru Adi Sankaracharya did. A situation that is more or less similar to the times of Sankara exists in our Bharat today. With the ever worsening influence of Kali, we need several Sankaras from different levels to undertake the fight at the intellectual level. Therefore, in today's circumstances, every Hindu who knows something about Sanatana Dharma has a dual duty: 1) to learn more and propagate the religion among the less fortunate Hindu souls and 2) to be proactive at the intellectual level to debate with and defeat the minds that drive these adharmic forces. Let us not at least deride our brothers who take the initiative and courage in this task.

    The ubiquitous Internet today is increasingly becoming the preferred medium of expression for everyone who is literate. It is an ideal medium for us to be proactive. The religious forums and groups all around the Net are dominated by Christians and Muslims, who indulge in a subtle form of conversion by talking nonsense about Sanatana Dharma. Worse, they adopt Hindu ways and names, pretend to be concerned and try their tricks with the gullible. If a Zakir Naik pretends to know our scriptures and tries to convince that Islam is the root of all religions, a Benny Hynn conducts bogus prayer meetings that does nothing but revile Hindu Gods and practices, with government support. If the missioneries at the village level tell our rustic people that their Mariamma is the same as Mary, mother of Jesus, their intellectual counterparts try to find Christ Consciousness in Hinduism.

    Conversion by coersion and money power is taking place today at all levels: tribals, villagers and even our educated youth who are lured with money, job and other material comforts. The number of inter-religious marriages are increasing and in most cases the Hindu family tree gets stopped.

    What do we do in these circumstances? Let those of us who are ill-prepared to be proactive at the physical level, do it at the intellectual level, in every possible way. We might be fortunate enough to live the rest of our lives as Hindu, but are we so sure of our children and the lineage therefrom? The end of Kali is far, far away, and if we let Sanatana Dharma down during our own lifetime, every one us is sure to be born in the mlecha religion in the next birth.

  2. #2
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    I agree 100%.

    We need to have intellectual debates and at the same time continue with the effort of showing that Sanatana Dharma is the root of all religions. Tha adharmic relgions are adharmic because the followers didn't understand the message properly and corrupted with their tribal like mentality and rituals.

  3. #3

    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Namaste Saidevo,

    I like Satay agree 100% with each of your words. Very very sane post in this age of confusion.

    The sweep of universalism which has plagued hinduism for last couple of centuries is really eating into our existence.

  4. #4
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Hindu Dharma Defense Links

    Below is a list of links where Hindu Dharma defense activities are going on.

    Members may add to these links and participate in the petitions, opinion poles, article feedbacks found in these links.

  5. #5
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    From here on we move to the other forum...

  6. #6
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Rise Bharata!

    Today's indian youth is confused about the religion of the devas. We are ashamed to say that we pray to several gods. Why this shame, why this guilt? I would like to say that it is the fault of missionaries and case closed, however, as much as I would like to say that, the truth is that our own so called hindu sages and mahatama and samis and general hindus are as much responsible as any outsider ready to 'save' the idol worshippers of the land of bharata.

    Why not start learning about the only true way of life known as sanatana dharma and start being proud of it? It's about time, wouldn't you agree?

    Now that the missionaries of adharmic religions have had their chance with the poorest of poor indians, they seem to be moving to the next level of society, pretending to rise above the label and trying to dilute the scripture and teachings of rishis with their own corrupted agendas.

    One basic thing to remember is this that hinduism is not universalism, it is not new age, it is not anything and everything that you can come up it. sanatana dharma has its own teachings, scriptures, understanding of the nature of god, rituals, rites.

    Be proud of being a sanatani, say it with pride!

  7. #7
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Hari Om
    Quote Originally Posted by satay View Post
    Rise Bharata!
    Today's indian youth is confused about the religion of the devas. We are ashamed to say that we pray to several gods. Why this shame, why this guilt? I would like to say that it is the fault of missionaries and case closed, however, as much as I would like to say that, the truth is that our own so called hindu sages and mahatama and samis and general hindus are as much responsible as any outsider ready to 'save' the idol worshippers of the land of bharata.

    Why not start learning about the only true way of life known as sanatana dharma and start being proud of it? It's about time, wouldn't you agree?

    Now that the missionaries of adharmic religions have had their chance with the poorest of poor indians, they seem to be moving to the next level of society, pretending to rise above the label and trying to dilute the scripture and teachings of rishis with their own corrupted agendas.

    One basic thing to remember is this that hinduism is not universalism, it is not new age, it is not anything and everything that you can come up it. sanatana dharma has its own teachings, scriptures, understanding of the nature of god, rituals, rites.
    Namaste satay,
    Thank you for you zeal and inspiration. Since I do not reside in India, I do not see the state/condition you describe. It's my contention that one has to grow in the spirit to feel good about thier core dharma. No shame comes in, as one is grounded in the Truth, and IT acts as the umbrella that shields the devotee. If there is this embarrassment, it is the sign of the times.
    For the various murthi's - they're expressions of HIM - the diversity of all HIS divine qualities made manifest. In Vedic times ( Sat yuga) the Divine did not require a murthi for one to cast their eyes on. As one grows and unfolds the SELF, one realizes that God is found in a drop of rain, as in the murthi at the temple. May we revist this time soon!

    This pride that is mentioned is a powerful thing... it has the ability to make one better then another... it's the humbleness that is strength. Yet this humbleness - we cannot feel that we are kicked around like a football. There needs to be equal respect for all - this comes with maturity of the spirit, yes?
    This pride can be fueled by the ego and that makes one more self-FULL then self-less. For me I would choose SELF-full. Then the difference of one religion ( relig or to tie, fasten + ligāre to bind - that is bind one back to the Source) to another is of little consequence.
    To me, thinking of differences in each person possessed of atman one may wish to suggest that I am different from you and others because of the shoes I wear. An outward appearence of difference with no relevence! That I am Japanese, or American, or Indian, these 'flavors' of HIS expression is the delight of HIS expansion in HIS creation.

    So do we step on the ego, or on pride and force a shut down? for me, no. We expand the container of the native to be exhaustive to be universal - where there is delight in diversity, knowing its just play and display of Brahman. We become the ocean (as my teacher has instructed me) - all the rivers run in to it, it has strength and can accept all. Its strength comes from its depth of Being, of fullness.

    "Self-confidence is not a feeling of superiority, but of independence."
    Lama Yeshe

    Let noble thoughts come to us from every side Rig-Veda, 1-89-i
    Last edited by yajvan; 29 January 2007 at 11:56 AM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  8. #8
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Came across this in Kanchi Forum:

    A must hear speech to all Hindus in Kerala by Smt. K.P. Sasikala Teacher (Hindu Aikya Vedi state leader) . Sasikala teacher rips apart the secular mask of communists and exposes the true colour of Communists and Jehadis in the state.

  9. #9
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Quote Originally Posted by saidevo View Post
    Came across this in Kanchi Forum:

    A must hear speech to all Hindus in Kerala by Smt. K.P. Sasikala Teacher (Hindu Aikya Vedi state leader) . Sasikala teacher rips apart the secular mask of communists and exposes the true colour of Communists and Jehadis in the state.
    wish it was in hindi!!! I don't understand...

  10. #10
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    Re: Defending Hindu Dharma against the Onslaught of Adharmic Religions

    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    Hari Om

    Namaste satay,

    This pride that is mentioned is a powerful thing... it has the ability to make one better then another... it's the humbleness that is strength. Yet this humbleness - we cannot feel that we are kicked around like a football. There needs to be equal respect for all - this comes with maturity of the spirit, yes?
    This pride can be fueled by the ego and that makes one more self-FULL then self-less. For me I would choose SELF-full. Then the difference of one religion ( relig or to tie, fasten + ligāre to bind - that is bind one back to the Source) to another is of little consequence.
    To me, thinking of differences in each person possessed of atman one may wish to suggest that I am different from you and others because of the shoes I wear. An outward appearence of difference with no relevence! That I am Japanese, or American, or Indian, these 'flavors' of HIS expression is the delight of HIS expansion in HIS creation.

    So do we step on the ego, or on pride and force a shut down? for me, no. We expand the container of the native to be exhaustive to be universal - where there is delight in diversity, knowing its just play and display of Brahman. We become the ocean (as my teacher has instructed me) - all the rivers run in to it, it has strength and can accept all. Its strength comes from its depth of Being, of fullness.

    "Self-confidence is not a feeling of superiority, but of independence."
    Lama Yeshe

    Let noble thoughts come to us from every side Rig-Veda, 1-89-i
    namaste yajvan!
    I see what you are saying, however, respectully, I disagree with some of it.

    If difference in all relgions is of no consequence then why are we following sanatana dharma and not islam or any other religion? Why not accept jesus as our only saviour and be done with it? Why not accept the will of 'alah' instead of the inert brahman?

    If hindus are not allowed to be proud of who they are, then there is a problem don't you agree? Why can a christian be proud of being a christian and even be so bold to try to shove his religion down the throat of others yet hindus can not be even proud of adhering to the eternal law? why a muslim is proud of being a muslim and a hindu can't even stand up for dharmic way of life?

    with respect...

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