Namaste Satay.

Quote Originally Posted by satay
the next time someone tries to shovetheir religion on you, we can politely reply by saying, 'sorry, not shopping for a new religion. thanks'
I think we must do more than that: we must debate their views and concepts on the spot. Better, we might invite them for a debate with a group of us. Intellectual aggression is not lack of politeness. We must try to make them understand the Hindu concept of God, why our Brahman and the Trinity under Him are far superior philosophy.

I tried this approach in a limited way, when two Christian women and a man came to my house one afternoon. That was in the heart of Mylapore, Chennai, an area of Hindu tradition and values! They told me that they belonged to the Jehovah's Witness group. I knew nothing about Jehovah and only later checked it on the Net. The fun was that they said the JW was not a Christian sect and that their God Jehovah was superior to every other God, including 'Jesus and your Shiva and Vishnu to whom He taught meditation!' They gave me a couple of pamphlets.

There was large photograph of Bhagavan Satya Sai Baba in their full view behind my back. I told them, "If you want to debate about your God versus ours, I am ready, and can prove how your approach lacks philosophical and religious depth. Since I believe in my Gods I don't need your Jehovah or switch over to your ways of worship. We have a God in Human form right now, the photograph you see here. You know what he says? He says his mission is not to establish a superior form of Hinduism and covert people to that path, but to see that as his devotee, a Christian becomes a better Christian, a Hindu a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim and so on. His mission is to unite people not divide them on religion. So please try to see the reason and give up your ways against humanity. You are welcome to my house as a guest, as a friend with mutual appreciation, but not as a missionary."

Though they nodded their heads in agreement and went away, I was sure that they would never change.