Anyone else taken a look at this video game?
I've been playing it for a few months now. I'm a total geek for military strategy games. You can play as any of the major Western or Middle Eastern powers, as well as the Maratha Confederacy and Mughal Empire.
Now, there's certainly a lot of misconceptions here and there about the Marathans and Hinduism in general...but since it was created by a Western company that's not surprising. It does try pretty hard though. I pretty much always play as the Marathans, and I'm having a grand old time invading Jolly Old England and converting everyone to Hinduism! (*)
The video below shows a little bit of the Marathans. Most of the battle videos that people have uploaded to YouTube are fighting against them, so you don't see much except the Western units. (**)
(*) One of the "issues" I have a problem with is religion. Each faction has a set primary religion, which cannot be changed, and if you wish to create harmony among your populations, you have to pretty much destroy their religion and replace it with your own. As a Christian/Islamic context, that makes sense, but it does seem a bit silly to be tearing down cathedrals and mosques to replace them with ashrams. Silly...but fun...
(**) Most of the people I meet online are like, "You play the Indians? They suck!" Well, that's 'cause most people don't know how to use them.