The Heart or hridaya
Hari Om
Much is written about the heart. Most notably it’s not the physical heart that the saints discuss, but that of hridaya. Perhaps , if you have information/opinions on this it would be a good subject to bring to the forum.
Here is a few points on the subject, as we start with it’s definition: [ as always please remove any blemishes or mala, in my understanding]
Hridaya is made of 3 phonemes of hri + da+ ya
Hr root means to attract or to pull. Some say Hr is to be modest or bashful. We find many key words with Hr at its root...that is Hri for modesty, also the most noted Hrim ( or Hreem) bija mantra.
This Hrim bija is known as the lajja bija of the Tantrics. It is associated with Bhuvaneshwari, and she owns space/akasha. In the ved, Bhuvaneshwari is Aditi or the great mother. Aditi is brhat or vastness, infinite consciousness, like akasha, everywhere. Some call this the supreme akasha or paraman vyomam.
One side note of Aditi, as her name is from a+diti or the oppososite or without (a) + didi or duality. She is without duality or all pervasive. Some also say aditi is from the root ad Or to eat/swallow. Eat what? All of existence as she ( consciousness like akasha) pervades or ‘swallows’ everything i.e. no-thing is with out paraman vyomam.
Why I enjoy this Hrim – it is the sound of space, and the sadhu can connect to the paraman vyomam with this mantra of Hreem which supports all.
Da means a few things as we have discussed in the post on Da Da Da:
Da = self-control (damam)
Da = charity (dana)
Da = compassion/kindness (dayam)
Ya = to go. One use is yatra, or a pilgrimage. The ultimate pilgrimage is that of kavaliya. We also see ‘ya’ at the root of yantra which to compel or restrain. Where yantra’s may help the sadhu with sadhana. ‘Ya’ is also found in yatamana or engage in effort. So, this root implies movement.
This word then of hridaya is quite profound on its own and in the Hridaya Brahmana suggests it is Brahman,within the heart as prjapati.
So when we put hridaya together , it’s the meditation that brings one (ya) to the vastness (brhat) of infinite consciousness ( from hr) with the fullness of compassion + charity + self-control.
Last edited by yajvan; 29 September 2006 at 05:57 PM.
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva