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Va व represents the Ocean, the Sky, the World, or Manifest Existence.
And Va is a Cloth, a Weaver, or a Dwelling, and it also indicates Strong Motion (as an Arrow).
Vam वं is the Varuna Bīja.
Vā वा means to Go or to Blow.
Ya य means Who or Which, and also indicates a Goer or Mover, a Carriage, the Wind, Light, or the Sky.
And Ya is both Yama (Rein or Restraint) and Yoga (Union).
Yam यं means One to Whom, and it is known as the Vāyu वायु (Wind) Bīja.
Vāya वाय indicates Weaving or a Weaver, and implies Tantra (Loom).
Ā आ is a doubling of A अ, and it indicates Going Towards or Similarity.
Ākāra belongs to the Aśvinau (Twin Charioteers) and it spans Va and Ya, which are the first and last Semivowels (Antahstha ~ Standing Between), uniting Ocean with Sky, and spelling Vāyu.