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Thread: Aswins

  1. #31
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    Re: Aswins

    Aswins is worshipped before Usha appears but after Dadhikarana. I'm usually asleep then. Must change now. On several ocassions I've tasted the honey however.

    Usha is the separation, the lust, the beauty, the purity, the beginning, and Agni follows from Dadhikarana -- who is One.

    Last edited by atanu; 17 January 2007 at 10:14 AM.
    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

  2. #32
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    10.131.04 You, O As'vins, lords of light, having drunk the grateful (libation), jointly preserved Indra in battle against the Asura Namuci.

    10.131.05 Both the As'vins defended (you), Indra, like two fathers (defending) a son with glorious exploits; when (triumphing) through the deeds of valour, you drank the grateful libation, Sarasvati_ approached you, O Maghavat.

    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

  3. #33
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    Re: Aswins

    Quote Originally Posted by Atanu Banerjee View Post
    Aswins is worshipped before Usha appears but after Dadhikarana. I'm usually asleep then. Must change now. On several ocassions I've tasted the honey however.

    Usha is the separation, the lust, the beauty, the purity, the beginning, and Agni follows from Dadhikarana -- who is One.


    om sAma-gayanAya namaH

    yaireva patanaM dravyaiH siddhistaireva choditA .
    shrI kauladarshane chApi bhairaveNa mahAtmanA .

    It is revealed in the sacred doctrine of Kula and by the great Bhairava, that the perfection is achieved by that very means by which fall occurs.

  4. #34
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    Re: Aswins

    Quote Originally Posted by Znanna View Post
    I am awake, and I remember, Sudarshan.

    wow, first time I hear this from anyone. You must be very lucky and one of those rare ones. Soul's encounter with God of any manifestation is very rare and means liberation is very near.
    Guard your Dharma, Burn the Myth, Promote the Truth, Crush the superstition.

  5. #35
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    Re: Aswins

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudarshan View Post
    wow, first time I hear this from anyone. You must be very lucky and one of those rare ones. Soul's encounter with God of any manifestation is very rare and means liberation is very near.
    Namaste, Sudarshan,

    I try hard to say what I mean. Plain spoken sometimes is bold, sorry if it is too, um, New York (I am a New Yorker, heh.)

    Lucky? I felt more like a freak my whole life, really, being psychic and stuff. I suppose that's "rare", but for me it meant I was always trying to justify my experience, or observations when I was younger. Nowadays, situation dictates outcome, I don't care to prove myself, or not. There was no precedent, no context for me, as a youth, so I invented my own symbolic structure for the universe or whatever. I found that I could pray and get answers. I don't know if it is "me" an aspect of "Me" the Godz or what which responds, but I get some sort of direct revelation of stuff that I find written about later (like in y'alls scriptures), and been doing this for about 35 years. Please don't consider me as one who would attempt to interpret Holy writings, they are what they are and the meaning is as you wish to take it; I cannot improve on what is already there without degrading the, um, implicit clarity of expression. The essence of Scriptures, I think, is that you see what is revealed to you, at that point in time; it is not for another to say what that means, in my opinion.

    Rare? You'd be surprised how many are waking, all over, past few years. The gates of forgetfullness have been cast open, and the forgotten ones find new acolytes. But, yes, I am blessed (and cursed) with having seen/experienced the Holy of Holies, I have heard the gongs which resonate numinousness ... but the important thing is, that what I've experienced is like, literally what is described in some of your Scriptures. That's the point I really want to make. Sometimes a rose is a rose

    Liberation? From what, having a good time? I'm here because I want to be. I make no claim to be enlightened; I am just a girl

    I offer my comments in the context of hey, this stuff really happens just like they say, with personal reflection as embellishment. Hopefully, that does not insult.


    PS "Twin" is a term I coined for the Beloved; it was only after that I found referent in traditions as diverse as voudoun and Hindu, and is what has led me to discussion here
    yaireva patanaM dravyaiH siddhistaireva choditA .
    shrI kauladarshane chApi bhairaveNa mahAtmanA .

    It is revealed in the sacred doctrine of Kula and by the great Bhairava, that the perfection is achieved by that very means by which fall occurs.

  6. #36
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    Post Re: Aswins

    akala = nara = sahadeva
    kAla = nArAyaNa = nakula

    Will you please explain these two sets please (after your return from pilgrimage).
    Namaste Atanu,

    I was drawing together various previously discussed Twins to show their essential correspondences in relation to the universal archetype of hara and hari (nara and nArAyaNa).

    The ashvinau are the first and the last united, as the first flower and the final fruition ~ both the cause and the result of creative action in one, and together bearing the seed of this transmission.

    United, the twin ashvinau represents the one turiya; and apart, they are prAjña (as nakula) and turiya (as sahadeva).

  7. #37
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    Re: Aswins

    Quote Originally Posted by sarabhanga View Post
    Namaste Atanu,

    I was drawing together various previously discussed Twins to show their essential correspondences in relation to the universal archetype of hara and hari (nara and nArAyaNa).
    Namaste Sarabhanga Ji,

    This reply escaped notice for sometime.

    I am still not clear as to why akala is nara or why nara is akala. And similarly, why Narayana is kala.


    Om Namah Shivaya
    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

  8. #38
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    Wink Re: Aswins

    Namaste Atanu,

    nara is “the primeval man” (as “the eternal spirit pervading the universe”); and nArAyaNa is the “son of the primeval man”.

    nara is the old man; and nArAyaNa is the young man.

    nara is the original undivided puruSa; and nArAyaNa is his divided self-conception.

    nara is aja and ekapada; while nArAyaNa is prajA and sahasrapAda.

    nara is hara (the one paramAtman); and nArAyaNa is hari (the many jIvAtmAna).

    nara is akala (“not in parts”); and nArAyaNa is his kalam (“seed”), which is kAla (“enumerated”).

    In yoga, nara and nArAyaNa are realized as non-different (a perfect twin), and the naranArAyaNau is observed.

    And naranArAyaNa is another name for kRSNa.

    harihara !

  9. #39
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    Re: Aswins

    Quote Originally Posted by sarabhanga View Post
    Namaste Atanu,

    nara is “the primeval man” (as “the eternal spirit pervading the universe”); and nArAyaNa is the “son of the primeval man”.

    nara is the old man; and nArAyaNa is the young man.

    nara is the original undivided puruSa; and nArAyaNa is his divided self-conception.

    nara is aja and ekapada; while nArAyaNa is prajA and sahasrapAda.

    nara is hara (the one paramAtman); and nArAyaNa is hari (the many jIvAtmAna).

    nara is akala (“not in parts”); and nArAyaNa is his kalam (“seed”), which is kAla (“enumerated”).

    In yoga, nara and nArAyaNa are realized as non-different (a perfect twin), and the naranArAyaNau is observed.

    And naranArAyaNa is another name for kRSNa.

    harihara !

    Namaste sarabhanga,

    Thank you for the lucid explantation. Tvam is Vishnu. Tat is Sadashiva. Apparently Aswin - the twin ---- but actually ONE, inseparable.

    I have a feeling that the Aswin mystery is near a solution.


    Om Namah Shivaya
    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

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