hariḥ o

Yajñopavītam (sacred thread)
This begain on another string... perhaps we can continue this interesting subject.

namasté Sahasranama,
Thank you for your post.

Quote Originally Posted by Sahasranama View Post
Ancient texts refer to the wearing of the Yajñopavītam in three forms:
  • One is Upavītam, where the Yajñopavītam is worn over the left shoulder and under the right arm.
  • The Second is Nivītam, where the Yajñopavītam is worn around the neck and over the chest.
  • The third, Prachīnavītam is where the Yajñopavītam is worn above the right shoulder and under the left arm.
  • Please continue... please talk to us about the number of strands, their material (cotton, etc), if they are woven or braided.
    Also, inform us if the threads are changed out periodically. AND - above all can you be so kind as to inform us of their significance?