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Thread: Definitions: sakala

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    Definitions: sakala

    sakala सकल
    • sakala सकल - (mfn&#185 is defined as a having a soft , low sound.
    • sakala or sakakā also has a 2nd derivative. It means consisting of parts , divisible.
    • sakala can also mean possessing all its component parts , complete , entire , whole , all

    This beautiful word used in saṃskṛtā ( some prefer writing sanskrit) has multiple meanings:
    • To those proficient in mantra identification this sound-form is found in the śrī vidya mantra.
    • Also the avid reader of the upaniṣad's will recognize this word as sākalya-ji, one of the brahmins that questions yajñavalkya-ji in the bṛhadaraṇyaka upaniṣad and the section is named after him sākalya brāhmaṇa.
    • To the śaiva-s¹ , this word is applied for those affected by the elements of the material world , one not possessed of the Self.
      Even though one is not possessed of the Self this does not suggest the sakala is outside of śiva . More can be found
      on the referenced HDF post¹ if there is interest.
    sa-ka-la components
    • sa स - this sound belongs to the dental class of phonemes and sounds like the 's' in saint.
      The 4th derivative meaning is knowledge, meditation. It is a name for viṣṇu or śiva ; sā is used for lakṣmi or gaurī :
      On occasion one will see the 5th derivative used that is rooted (√) in 'san' meaning procuring or bestowing
    • ka क - the first consonant of saṃskṛtā sounds like the k in keep or king). When we use it in its 3rd derivative is means splendor, light.
      This sound has many uses both as a prefix ( example: kasati - to go , move ) and suffix (example: putraka - little son).
      Yet we find ka in the napuṃsaka gender ( neutral or neuter) as ká happiness, joy, pleasure. It is also another name/sound form of brahman, of viṣṇu and prajāpati .
    • la ल - this sound is the 3rd semivowel in saṃskṛtā and having the sounds like 'l' in lull.
      This 'la' is associated with cutting ( as in lava , the act of cutting), yet I could not find the audit trail back to reason of this.
      This la is a name of indra.

    mfn = grammatical gender - 3 are recognized: masculine, feminine or neuter.
    Gender is a liṅga a mark , spot , sign , token , badge , emblem , characteristic. When looking up a word you will see mfn as an abbreviation next to the definition.
    These characteristics/marks are called puṃ-liṅga , strī -liṅga and napuṃsaka-liṅga:
    • puṃ-liṅga - puṃ = puṃs is a masculine word but also defined as a man , a male being , a human being ; it looses its 's' before a consonant in this case 'la' in liṅga.
    • strī -liṅga strī is defined as the the feminine gender yet also is defined as the 'bearer of children'; the word is also found as strīm and strīs - a woman , female , wife
    • napuṃsaka-liṅga - napuṃsaka is na +puṃ+saka : na = not or no + puṃ = male being + saka ='he that man , she that woman '
      Hence napuṃsaka means not male being or woman. It seems for economy this word could just be nasaka ( my contrived word) - not man or woman.
    Last edited by yajvan; 29 November 2010 at 10:24 PM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


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