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Thread: Anga-Nyasa & Karanyasa

  1. #1

    Anga-Nyasa & Karanyasa

    Hi there.
    I have noticed a certain contradiction between the way to practice anga-nyasa and Karanyasa,first,from the Mahanirvana Tantra and from popular common hindu knowledge.
    Everybody seems to when attributing the mantras on the upper body(heart,head,ayes...) they pronounce the name of the place and the mantra attributed,for the heart for instance : Om Hridayaya Namah and so on,the same when focusing on the fingers.

    But the way described in the Mahanirvana Tantra is differnent is simply states that each word of the mantra Om,Sat,Chit,Ekam,Brahma should be followed by Namah,Svaha,Vashat,Hung,Vaushat.(Chapter 3.from 39 to 42)

    I would like to clear this confusion please.

  2. #2

    Re: Anga-Nyasa & Karanyasa


    Apparent contradiction is from the fact that chapter III, where there is the revelation of Brahman Mantra and its Nyasa is a special chapter in MahaNirvana Tantra. Chapter IV deals with the reasons to worship Shakti and Her identity with Brahman so if you check Nyasas revealed in Chapter IV and VI you will see that apparent contradiction is not there.

    Rudra Sadhaka

  3. #3

    Re: Anga-Nyasa & Karanyasa

    Thanks so much.
    So the anga-nyasa for the mantra in chapter III (ong satchitekam brahma) is in this order :
    Om namaha : heart
    Sat svaha : forehead
    Chit vashat : crown lock
    Ekam hung : shoulders
    Brahma vaushat: the three eyes
    Ong satchitekam brahma phat: the palms

    Due to the fact that every mantra has it's own attribution to the bodily parts in nyasa ,i was wondering if there is a method to know the specific order of the mantra,as i noticed in anga-nyasa(6 bodily parts) it's always the same i right?
    Thank you so much for this.

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