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Thread: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

  1. Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Like anti-Hindus, Atheists and many others including some Hindu Hearts,I myself never believed in the miracles of Sathya Sai Baba, but only when he lived, after he is gone, I found that he was indeed a miracle man.

    Now I recall how Saideo was supporting him, he was not wrong.
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  2. #2

    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Gates only later became a philanthropist after the insisting of his wife. For all we know - he only agreed to burn money to create tax shelters. In the process of creating those shelters he inadvertently helped people without that being the original intent.

    His "sweat" included undermining developers, leveraging partnerships and marketing. Sounds like the same thing as "parlor tricks that impress followers" to me.

    I don't think you picked a very good comparison.

    Related to the conversation - why doesn't anyone remember the people that weren't surrounded by controversy?

    I suppose it's human nature to identify with the negative and emotional.

  3. #3
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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Quote Originally Posted by Water View Post
    why doesn't anyone remember the people that weren't surrounded by controversy?
    Vannakkam: Good point, and only partially true. Sri Ramana Maharshi, Swami Vivekenanda, and others had little controversy. (As far as I know)

    I think its human nature of the lower variety to notice faults more than positives.

    Aum Namasivaya

  4. #4
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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Namaste Param,

    Quote Originally Posted by PARAM View Post
    Like anti-Hindus, Atheists and many others including some Hindu Hearts,I myself never believed in the miracles of Sathya Sai Baba, but only when he lived, after he is gone, I found that he was indeed a miracle man.

    Now I recall how Saideo was supporting him, he was not wrong.
    I am not a disciple of Sathya Sai Baba but I don't deny his divine nature. Moreover, it is nothing but sheer arrogance to dismiss him as a great incarnation just because he performed miracles unless one had spent some considerable time with him.

    On this board itself, Ekanta who is originally from Australia, if I recollect correctly, narrated how her old grandma (a devout christian by faith) had vivid visions of him (that cured her of a nagging healh problem) even though she never met him even once in this lifetime & she had not seen his picture before this episode. In fact, she came to know about him in detail only after this miracle from her other relatives.

    ... and here are some friends who are happy not only dismissing him as a saint but branding him as a criminal as if they had all the inside information about him ! The fact is that they might never have met him even once & all their opinion about him is based some dubious reporting gathered from internet and other media sources against him which can be biased due to various reasons. I have no ill-will against any of those friends but I keep asking people not to indulge in mud-slinging against any saint as bad-mouthing against a real saint is considered a serious offense (all the bad-karmas of the saint's previous births get accrued to you, if you do) and everyone must pay for his own karma. We don't know what we did in our previous births & what made us take this birth ... why to arrange material for our own sufferings ?

    Goswami Tulsidas advises :

    "Tulsi is sansaar mein sabse miliye dhaaye, naa jaane kis bhesh mein NarayaNa mil jaayen"

    ===> Tulsidas says, "Meet everyone in this world with all eagerness & friendliness ... who knows in which form NarayaNa (God/Vishnu) has decided to meet you" !

    "Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaye"

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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Quote Originally Posted by devotee View Post
    ===> Tulsidas says, "Meet everyone in this world with all eagerness & friendliness ... who knows in which form NarayaNa (God/Vishnu) has decided to meet you" !


    A very wise quote, as each of us is This.

    Every single one of us has This Potential.

    Sathya Sai Baba was absolutely 100% God...and so are you.

    The only difference between these various Portions of Beloved is our level of understanding, acceptance and action of This Truth.

    He moves through everyone, all over the world, we are His Beloved Hands, Eyes, Ears...He moves through us as a current...the very well spring of our existence.

    What a wondrous thing This is!

  6. #6
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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    The other night a cat we rescued had made a game with a living creature...

    The mouse had his neck half severed through, cat continued to play with this mouse right upon our doorstep.

    I killed the mouse.

    For its end the suffering, I did it.

    Given a gun with a bullet and face to face with Hitler...I would do the same. These ones you mention were not in their right mind.

    It doesn't mean you worship Hitler as God, it means you do your best to protect the other Portions they would harm.

    You have two children fighting at school...both are throwing blows..hitting other children and brutally continuing...what will the security guard do?

    What can he do? He has to stop it...anyway he can. But, he doesn't know why or how this fight began so he has to treat them equally.

    Both get handcuffed, it's true...everywhere all over this country...both get handcuffed and put into seperate squad car until they can get witnesses and physically unfold the Truth.

    Can we unfold the truth in such a way here in this case?

    Hitler killed Jewish people...documented time after time. He came out and declared it to the world. With Sathya Sai Baba, is this the same situation?

    I was raised to who wait for a jury of my peers to decide innocence or guilt...and in this with many others. I am absolutely not qualified to pass a judgement. Not one of us here is, unless someone come forward with intimate knowledge.

    Call me a fool, you would be right....but do not allow this fool to prevent you from you are a precious Portion.

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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Take any "miracles" at a grain of salt. There are just as many miracles in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism as there are in any other religion. The fact that someone "does a miracle" doesn't validate anything especially if one is doing the "miracle" for show purposes only. The true miracle is one's ability to be compassionate to all, because only then, will truth be illumined in one's heart and mind.

  8. Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Quote Originally Posted by Water View Post
    What controversy ? Made by Muslims and Christians ? Hinduism is itself controversy for Islam and Christianity.

    Karma is important and not what others say, lets first prove it, what good is done by those who supported controversy against Sathya Sai Baba?

    Quote Originally Posted by devotee View Post
    Good eventful story you mentioned, I was also not a disciple of any Baba, but his karma were really great.

    I can understand Naya Surya and The One's point, also.
    Last edited by PARAM; 29 May 2011 at 11:53 AM. Reason: edit
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  9. #9
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    Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Not to fuel this controversy...

    But for someone who believes that everyone is 'divine', what is the use of any of these miracle or what is the meaning of the statement "his divine nature"? Everyone is divine so does Sai baba. What is that differentiated you from him? Ask yourself...

    Only the mass who forget/forgot their own "diviness" require all these miracles, healing and gifts that comes from air or lingas from nose. There are more such 'incarnations' available in India and we are always desperately seeking these miracles to be demonstrated to convince ourselves comfortably and radicalize our mind that they are God!

    Who is God? Only when you know the answer for this million dollar question, we will be able to differentiate and understand the actual nature of a Good Man, Good jiva, Good person from the real God. Until then, all of them are God including you and me and every God require same special respect and attention.

  10. Re: Sathya Sai Baba Miracle

    Quote Originally Posted by grames View Post
    This is something else from what the link I posted.

    Even Sikh Gurus claimed to be divine, and Muslims killed them. Muslims killed many true spiritual leaders of their time.
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