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Thread: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

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    Exclamation An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin


    I received an email from a friend regarding a talk given by a pro-Hindu Jew at a recent event in Santa Clara, California.

    It was an eye-opening talk with regards to the plight of Hindus worldwide but especially in Bangladesh. This man, a certain Dr. Richard Benkin, has focused his work on the Bangaldeshi Hindu population and the antipathy of the Bangladeshi government towards them as well as the outright animosity towards them from the various Muslim groups, common people, and even the so-called 'pro-minority' political party of Bangladesh, known as the Awami League.

    The talk was given to the local Telugu Association of America but it speaks to all Hindus, even the non-Indian variety. Hindus are at a crossroads today. Over the past millenium, seven provinces that were entirely Hindu/Buddhist (Dharmic) have been utterly wiped from their Dharmic influence by Islamists terrorists. Today, we Hindus are fighting a civilizational struggle against a diabolical group of anti-Hindu and anti-Indian folks, many of them Indians themselves! Whether it is cultural misappropriation, denigration, political strife, or even outright violence, Hindus are being targeted at all levels. The most astonishing thing is that Hindus world over are simply either blind to it, or phlegmatic by choice. There is no group, even among animals, who are so disdainful towards the suffering of their own kind. This Dr. Benkin, really calls on Hindus to act with solidarity for a cause that is beyond of all us individually. Even those who consider themselves non-Hindu, if they are for peace within and without, they too should heed this call and support the Hindu cause.

    As each day passes, I fear more for the society that India will deteriorate into. With the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai (July 13, 2011), I am beginning to feel India is becoming an unsafe place for Hindus! Of course, this is a big extrapolation but I am just being honest in my feelings. It brings tears to my eyes that as a Hindu, I have to be afraid of walking freely in my motherland.

    I encourage all of you to read this talk carefully and share with everyone you know, even non-Hindus. The awareness of the plight of Hindus worldwide is the first step in the right direction. From right awareness arises right thought. From right thought arises right action. From right action arises right being/existence. Let us not allow the last organ of the Hindu ethos, that is India, wither away despite the tremendous assault waged against her daily by vermin around the world but most importantly in India itself. India must be a Hindu country for there is no other homeland of the Hindus, for the Hindus, and by the Hindus.

    The talk by Dr. Richard Benkin:

    Address to Telugu Association of North America (TANA)

    Santa Clara, CA

    July 2, 2011

    Namaskar. Shphodim.

    Last month, I was in conversation about a book I wrote on Bangladesh's
    ethnic cleansing of its Hindu population. The person with whom I spoke was
    very taken by the material; so taken that she wanted to help make sure
    people got word of this atrocity. She knows the American publishing and book
    buying world very well and said that all the elements were there for a
    successful project; all the elements except one. And remember this person is
    a friend, an ally, one of the "good guys," someone who does care and wants
    to help. She said, 'I just don't see people getting real excited over a
    bunch of Hindus being killed.' Think about that for a moment. It should make
    everyone in this room furious; and if it does not make you furious, you
    better ask yourself why because three things hit me-a non-Hindu-immediately.

    My first thought was, 'Shame on us if that's who we are.' Is this another
    example in which the so-called civilized world would prefer to wring its
    hands over body bags piled too high to ignore-as it did in Nazi Europe,
    Rwanda, and countless other places-rather than prevent the atrocity? The
    second was that those of us who do understand what is happening have a moral
    obligation to take effective action to stop it, whatever that means; or we
    are as complicit in the crime as anyone else. And the third was this: Hindus
    better not count on anyone else helping them, no matter how much they
    prattle on about things like "justice" or "human rights." Those supposed
    arbiters of right and wrong might apply these concepts to Egyptian and
    Libyan protesters or warp them beyond recognition so they can prop up those
    Arab terrorists they call "Palestinian"; but they will not apply them to
    Hindus in Bangladesh-or for that matter, Hindus in Pakistan, Hindus in
    Kashmir, Hindus in Malaysia, or Hindus anywhere else, including if it comes
    to it, Hindus in Andhra Pradesh.

    So when considering this weekend's events, I asked myself if it was going to
    be another one of those gatherings where the attendees shake their fists and
    complain about how unfair things are-or one where we actually accomplish
    something. Despite the preponderance of the former over the latter, we are
    on the cusp of a new dawn where real accomplishment is possible. It will
    start here in the United States, and it must begin with us; or else we will
    have frittered away a golden opportunity to change the trajectory of history
    and in the process sit by while a lot of innocent people die.

    We have a great tradition here in which groups of Americans can petition our
    government and take concerted action, and I want to give you an example of
    that from my own Jewish community. Those of you who were around in the 1980s
    will remember that back then, you could not pass a synagogue that did not
    have a large banner proclaiming, "Save Soviet Jewry." Our people were being
    persecuted horribly in the Soviet Union as part of the Communists' attempt
    to eradicate their Jewish religion and Jewish identity. A few, like Natan
    Sharansky who later became an Israeli Cabinet Minister, garnered some
    attention, but most suffered without fanfare. The American Jewish community
    saw their persecuted brothers and sisters and recognized the obligation to
    save them. Moreover, it acted on that obligation.

    We lobbied Washington and our local officials; prevailed upon other
    religious bodies to recognize the atrocity and let Washington know their
    position. Average Jews who you might see at the office or in the
    supermarket-people just like you-went to Russia at their own expense to
    smuggle religious books and other Jewish artifacts at considerable peril to
    themselves. After all, this was the mighty Soviet Union.

    Jewish children reaching their Bar and Bat Mitzvah rite of passage were
    "twinned" with children in the Soviet Union who did not have the freedom to
    celebrate their own; so we did it for them. Younger children in religious
    schools corresponded with pen pals their own age from the USSR and gave them
    hope. And before it was over, we helped get 1.2 million Jews out of that
    communist hell. It strengthened our own identity, and every Jewish child who
    was part of that effort never forgot it or their own sense of Jewishness;
    and it helped us realize that we could in fact stand strong for our people,
    that the only thing stopping us was ourselves.

    The Bangladeshi Hindus can be your Soviet Jewry. It is an issue of human
    decency; an issue that transcends partisan politics and speaks to those
    values that are basic for all Americans. It can galvanize American Hindus to
    take pride in their Hinduism and help support a resurgent Hindu youth. Will
    we act?

    Two years ago, I stood before you to talk about the Bangladeshi Hindus. Let
    me list for you everything that Sheikh Hasina and the Bangladeshi government
    has done to protect their Hindu citizens since then:

    [about 10 seconds of silence]

    That's right, nothing, zip, bupkis. That same "list," moreover, contains
    everything the United Nations has done for them, everything Amnesty
    International and Human Rights Watch have done; every word of protest
    uttered by the governments of India and the United States. It seems my
    friend is right: Nobody gets excited over the killing of Hindus.

    The facts warrant a different reaction. In fact, the numbers are so
    compelling they cry out for an explanation. At the time of India's partition
    in 1947, Hindus made up a little less than a third of East Pakistan's
    population. When East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971, they were less
    than a fifth; thirty years later, less than one in ten; and reliable
    estimates put the Hindu population at less than eight percent today.
    Professor Sachi Dastidar of the State University of New York estimates that
    over 49 million Hindus are missing from Bangladesh. Still having trouble
    wondering where this is going? Take a look at Pakistan where Hindus are down
    to one percent or Kashmir where they are almost gone. Take a look at the
    future of Bangladesh's Hindus if we do not act.

    This is not opinion or "Islamaphobia." These are facts! Want another? For
    years, we have received report after report documenting anti-Hindu incidents
    there; incidents including murder, gang rape, assault, forced conversion to
    Islam, child abduction, land grabs, and religious desecration. And while
    Bangladeshi officials might object that the perpetrators were non-state
    actors, government culpability rests, at the very least, on the fact that it
    pursues very few of these cases and punishes even fewer perpetrators. And
    that's our key. Unfortunately, minorities are attacked pretty much
    everywhere. The critical question is when it happens, does the majority
    population have a problem with it; and the best measure of that is what the
    government does in reaction. When Hindu students were attacked in Australia,
    the government went after the perpetrators with a vengeance. In the United
    States, crimes against any minority are considered just that, crimes; and
    the state will punish you to the fullest extent of the law; but not in

    Here's another irrefutable fact. While this information pours out of
    Bangladesh with numbing ferocity, it does not do so through the mainstream
    media-here, India, or anywhere else. Thus, people are often shocked and
    sometimes dubious when I present the facts to them. Many wonder out loud how
    something so horrible could be kept hidden; how our own CIA or India's RAW
    could not know about it-were it actually true. They often ask me why, if
    this is so dire have we read nothing about it in our major papers or watched
    it on CNN or Fox. 'Why,' they ask, 'hasn't Amnesty International taken it
    up,' or most damning, 'Why have Hindus themselves said nothing?'

    This means that anything we present has to be verified with certainty; if we
    present information that turns out to be untrue or exaggerated it will sink
    our efforts. We can expect the Bangladeshi government and even the US State
    Department to challenge it; and expect the recognized human rights industry
    to dismiss it. Both parties have an interest to do so, for if we are
    correct, Amnesty International and the others will be asked why they missed
    or ignored the situation. The Obama Administration and the rest of the
    international talking heads have maintained as an article of faith that the
    December 2008 election of Sheikh Hasina and the Awami League ushered in a
    new era for Bangladesh. They will point out that it ended almost two years
    of military-backed rule; and the government before that, , included the
    Islamist Jamaat in its coalition. Moreover, they will say, the left-center
    Awami League has always claimed to be Bangladesh's "pro-minority" party, and
    these outside groups with no real knowledge of Bangladesh swallow that line.
    So, it is in their interest to maintain that fiction.

    And they are not the only ones. In January 2009, I was asked to address a
    coalition of Bangladeshi Hindu organizations about how they might respond to
    the Awami League victory. My advice was to press their advantage since
    Hindus helped Awami to victory. The last thing they should do, I said, was
    to "fall asleep. That would be a critical mistake." Some agreed, but the
    prevailing sentiment among the organization leaders was fear of angering the
    new government. "Give them time," they said, to which I replied, "This
    attitude of passivity and 'let's give them a chance'; how well has that
    worked for the minorities in the past? Not well. We are sitting by while
    people are being killed and tortured! So, yes, we must give them some
    time-but not much or we will see that their words are nothing more than
    words." And that is exactly all they turned out to be.

    During the first year of the Awami League's rule, there were major
    anti-Hindu attacks at the rate of at least one per week. I say "at least"
    because you will recall that our allegations will be held to a higher
    standard than most. Out of the flood of reported incidents, those were the
    ones I personally verified-either through my own missions to South Asia or
    through Indian and Bangladeshi Hindus who investigated and verified the
    allegations for me. All of these attacks were serious, involved Hindu
    victims and Muslim victimizers; and in every case, the government refused to
    take action against known perpetrators. Police and government officials
    actually took part in some and led a cover up of others. And in none of
    them, did the police help recover Hindu women or children who were abducted,
    likely raped, and forcibly converted to Islam. And I re-confirmed the facts
    as recently as this spring, so the government's support for anti-Hindu
    action lasts long after the crimes themselves. Here are three examples.

    . For three days in March and April, 2009, an anti-Hindu pogrom raged in the
    Sutrapur section of the Bangladeshi capital. It occurred right behind a
    police station and involved arson, beatings, and the deliberate destruction
    of a Hindu Temple. Many were hospitalized, and dozens still remain homeless.
    Not only are the perpetrators free of prosecution, but they actually were
    awarded some of the land they invaded. Officials including the Dhaka Chief
    of Police and an Awami League Member of Parliament warned local human rights
    groups to stop inquiring about it.

    . On June 13, 2009, 20-year-old Hindu college student Koli Goswami was
    abducted from her bed in the middle of the night. Muslim men broke into the
    family home and brandished firearms when confronted by family members.
    Police refuse to pursue a case, calling it a "love affair," despite admitted
    evidence of violence and a struggle. They claim that Koli has "voluntarily"
    converted to Islam and threaten family members and human rights groups while
    keeping them from interviewing the young woman. Koli Goswami has not been
    seen since the night she was taken.

    . At 10am on February 26, 2009, two men abducted 14 year old Tanusree Roy
    and raped her multiple times. Although the distraught father has filed
    official reports of the incident, authorities have refused to help recover
    his child or prosecute the known perpetrators. The latter continue to
    threaten Tanusree's father if he does not drop the matter. Human rights
    activists report that the girl has been forcibly converted to Islam and kept
    incommunicado for the past two years.

    There was no let-up during the Awami League's second year in office. In one
    25 day period between March 12 and April 6, 2010, for instance, there were
    seven major, confirmed attacks.

    All we get from the Bangladeshis are words. Like actors reading from a
    script, they repeat the same hollow denials-the same party line I got when I
    raised the issue with a Bangladeshi Cabinet Minister in Dhaka earlier this
    year. He might have parroted the usual denials, but his nervous ticks,
    obvious discomfort, and averted glance told quite a different story. (I also
    recall how several years ago, a Bangladeshi general tried to convince me
    that their Vested Property Act was actually instituted as a device to
    protect Hindus, although when I pressed him he could not explain how that
    could work.) And how many times are we going to hear their empty promises to
    repeal "anti-minority laws." Sheikh Hasina made that very promise to
    visiting NATO commander Gerard Valin on May 1, 2009, thereby admitting that
    her country in fact has anti-minority laws on the books. In the long
    standing tradition of Bangladeshi leaders, she went no further than those
    words and the discriminatory laws remain. Yet, no nation or international
    body seems to have a problem with that.

    What message does that send to anyone who covets a Hindu family's small
    farm-or their daughter? And what message are we sending them-and our own
    children-if we look the other way while it happens?

    There is something else. Some of you might be thinking, 'Perhaps that is all
    true, but my family is from Andhra Pradesh where we have our own problems.
    This is about Bengalis.' And that plays right into the hands of those who
    wish to destroy us. Were the bombs that went off on 26/11 harmful only to
    some? Did they discriminate between Telugu and Bengali? Did the killers ask
    people if they were from Kashmir or Gujurat before firing? And if they
    destroy the Hindus in Bangladesh and Kashmir, will they then say, 'it is
    enough' and urge their fellow jihadis to leave Andhra Pradesh in peace? iNo,
    no, no, and no again. If we fail to unite, we will be easy pickings for our
    enemies-who have put aside their own ancient divisions for the sake of

    So, instead of treating you to a litany of more atrocities, I want to
    identify one simple thing we all can do from our secure positions in the
    United States. Everyone can decide today whether to do something simple and
    save lives or watch another rerun of House or Law and Order while the
    murders and rapes continue.

    To get things started, we have to make people aware of the problem. Despite
    the flood of emails and consistent documentation successive in Hindu
    American Foundation reports, few people here are aware of this atrocity or
    how it threatens them, and we have to fix that. Human rights atrocities
    generally proceed when governments believe they can commit them without
    anyone noticing-or caring-which is what we have here. For Bangladesh, that
    means that it incurs no cost if it allows its Hindus to be eradicated; that
    is, their leaders have pointed out the domestic political concerns if they
    take action, but they have none if they let things remain as they are. We
    have to make it cost more for them not to change.

    The US is Bangladesh's third largest trading partner, and we have given
    Bangladesh over $5.5 billion in aid. For years, Bangladeshi
    governments-regardless of party-have wanted a free trade agreement with the
    United States or at least a reduction in tariffs on their goods. You might
    call it their holy grail. That is a tremendous amount of leverage we can
    exercise if we have the will to do so, and it will take a concerted and
    relentless effort to get our elected officials to use it.

    I am currently working with a Member of Congress on a letter that addresses
    this issue. It will ask the US to re-consider its policies and use all of
    that leverage to save the 15 million Bangladeshi Hindus. Because at this
    point, the actual letter is unfinished and needs final approval, I cannot
    divulge the Member's name or the specific contents; but the initiative is
    real and his support genuine. Once it is complete-hopefully during the
    summer-we will look for other Members of Congress to sign it before sending
    it to Secretary of State Clinton. Do we expect that this letter will lead
    the US government to all of a sudden revamp its entire foreign policy? No,
    but remember the intent: to shine light on an atrocity that is allowed to
    proceed because it does so in the dark.

    Hopefully, the administration will take a serious look at the issue; but
    whether it does so or not, the letter will provide the basis for further
    action: Congressional hearings, which are already in the works; confronting
    the Bangladeshis; and from there action on trade and tariffs. It will take
    this issue to a new level, and everyone in this room can and should have a
    role in making it happen because success is premised on getting a range of
    Congressmen and Congresswomen to sign it. When you came in, you were given a
    piece of paper to fill out with contact information and questions to
    determine who your Congressional Representative is. Everyone here who votes
    can help get that elected official's signature on the letter and support for
    the actions we take subsequently to stop this carnage. Please pass in the
    papers. Now, can each of you do that one small thing? Is there anyone here
    who can't?

    That's good, because Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) once said that any Member
    of Congress who gets ten phone calls on an issue will sit up and take
    notice, call staff meetings about it, and probably support their
    constituents' position; but whether it is ten, two, or a hundred, the
    principle is the same. Using these papers, I will identify Members of
    Congress whom you can call and we can go to for support. When we are ready
    to circulate the letter, I will contact each of you and ask you to make that
    call. Moreover, each of you knows other citizens who can make the same call.
    Urge them to do it-even if they live in the same house as you; so long as
    they are eligible to vote in the next election. My associate, Prasad
    Yalamanchi will help with that, but today he and I will be getting
    information from people and groups that can get things done.

    There is something else we can do, and it refers to something that is
    happening now. Last month, Bangladesh's Supreme Court ruled against some
    constitutional amendments instituted during two military dictatorships in
    the 1970s and 1980s, and it asked the government to submit replacements for
    ratification in the Awami-dominated parliament. So what did this
    oh-so-progressive and freedom-loving Awami League do? It submitted new laws
    that outlawed military governments and religiously-based parties; but it
    left intact one of the most significant amendments that came under the
    Court's scrutiny: the Eighth, which made Islam the official state religion
    and essential to the character of all that flows from Bangladeshi law. It is
    an amendment that Hindus and others say makes them second-class citizens in
    their own country. Every law they have to follow begins with "in the name of
    Allah the beneficent." Madrassas (Islamic schools) are given a favored
    position by their government and often receive public support, even those
    preaching radical Islam. This is not the action of a government that really
    wants to protect its minority citizens, but rather one closer to Iran. It is
    certainly not the action of a "moderate Muslim nation," which is how
    Bangladesh tries to portray itself.

    Has there been even one phone call from President Obama or Secretary of
    State Clinton to Bangladesh, challenging the government on this or other
    anti-minority actions? Has anyone reminded Sheikh Hasina of her still
    unfulfilled promises to end official minority discrimination in
    Bangladesh-and how she has an opportunity with this constitutional change to
    prove that she and her party are not shams? The answer to all those
    questions is the same: "No." I ask my esteemed colleagues at the Hindu
    American Foundation to work with me now to prevail upon Congress and the
    Administration to address this matter with Bangladesh while there is still
    time to fix things. It will also tell us if these people deserve our votes
    next year.

    Let me put it to you this way. If there was a similar situation involving
    Muslims somewhere in the world, what do you think the American Muslim
    community would do? How vocal would organizations like Council on
    American-Islamic Relations be? What about Jewish organizations or
    Evangelical Christians for their co-religionists? Do Hindus have fewer
    rights than they do? Does the American Constitution say 'everyone except
    Hindus'? No; the only thing stopping us is ourselves. For this effort to
    succeed, we do not need the entire 2.5 million Hindus in the United States
    to act. But we do need a core group of individuals who care more about the
    lives of their oppressed brethren than being thought impolite. And it starts
    here; it starts today. From this effort, we can make the issue of anti-Hindu
    oppression a US concern. Each of you can do this one thing, and possibly
    save the lives of millions of people.

    Once we find success in this quarter, we can expand in any direction we
    wish; tackle any anti-Hindu human rights issues we want-those in Pakistan,
    Kashmir, Malaysia, Fiji, or anywhere else. In the lead up to the November
    2010 vote, some of us in the Chicago area helped organize community members
    in support of certain candidates who will support us. As a result, some
    people are beginning to see the Hindu community as a constituency that
    cannot be ignored; whose concerns cannot be dismissed. And it will stay that
    way only so long as we continue to exert whatever advantage we have and deny
    our support to those lawmakers who do not care about those issues important
    to us, who do not care if Hindus are being killed and raped in Bangladesh.
    We have a critical election coming up in 16 months, and the papers you
    filled out today will be added to others to help elect lawmakers who will
    stand with us and not let our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh or anywhere
    else be persecuted with impunity.

    Whatever we do, however, it all ultimately depends on you. Some of us who
    are dedicated to saving the Bangladeshi Hindus can lead, can organize, can
    take on a certain amount of the burden; but our efforts will come to little
    if people see that the rest of the community does not care enough to stand
    up and say so. The Congressional letter will be our first test.

    And just in case you are wondering whether why you should take this tiny
    step, please allow me this one last piece of motivation. In 2009, I
    interviewed a Bangladeshi Hindu family that crossed into India only 22 days
    earlier. They told me about an uncle being killed, the father beaten, and
    their tiny farm invaded by a large number of Muslims. I also looked into the
    eyes of their 14-year-old daughter as she talked about being gang raped. Who
    did it? Not al Qaeda or Jammat; but simply Muslims who lived in the area and
    knew they could have their way with the family, seize their land, and get
    away with it.

    Joseph Stalin is said to have remarked, "One death is a tragedy, a million
    deaths a statistic." That 14-year-old rape victim-that child-I met was no
    statistic, and God help us if we make her one.

    Thank you.
    His personal website:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    January 2010
    tadvishno paramam padam
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    That's right, nothing, zip, bupkis. That same "list," moreover, contains
    everything the United Nations has done for them, everything Amnesty
    International and Human Rights Watch have done; every word of protest
    uttered by the governments of India and the United States. It seems my
    friend is right: Nobody gets excited over the killing of Hindus.
    Thanks for posting this, I am glad I stopped donating to amnesty international years ago.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    July 2010
    The Holy Land - Bharat
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    Thanks for the post TTA.
    The question is, is anyone out there listening and working to counter this problem?
    With the peace at all costs, and everything goes attitude, Hindus are their own worst enemies!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    November 2008
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    I agree. Its good that jews are supporting hindus.

    I strongly support israel and greatly admire many jews in science . But i have
    one comment about this hindu- jewish interaction. Few years ago , there was
    hindu-jewish summit organized by , i think , hindu american foundation.
    to please the jews , guys from hindu american foundation tried to downplay
    some "heathen" aspects of hindu tradition , like idol worship. they tried to
    argue that idol worship is bad ....blah blah blah........ i understand the need
    for hindu-jewish cooperation...........but we can do that without apologising
    for different hindu modes of worship. we should remember that it was the jews
    who invented this idol hating madness......... but like i said, we can support, and i do support israel and jews in general ....while disregarding their bible.

  5. #5
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    January 2011
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    The Jews are just as motivated by religious bloodlust in the middle east as much as the Muslims and Christians are. The entire reason why there is a state of Israel in its current location is because of a religious reason, because its the "promised land by God" for the Jewish people. I think this is absolute hogwash and while yes, the Jewish people are more peaceful then both Muslims and Christians, they still use politics to push for religious goals.

  6. #6
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    February 2011
    st louis, usa
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOne View Post
    The Jews are just as motivated by religious bloodlust in the middle east as much as the Muslims and Christians are. The entire reason why there is a state of Israel in its current location is because of a religious reason, because its the "promised land by God" for the Jewish people. I think this is absolute hogwash and while yes, the Jewish people are more peaceful then both Muslims and Christians, they still use politics to push for religious goals.
    Jewish people were massacred and europe turned into a slaughter house for them and again in muslim book they were characterized as animals. They formed a nation when they had no other survival option, ......europeans made far off lands their own by utilizing sheer muscle power. Later UN chrter came into existence and borders were drawn between many countries.See all the ongoing commotion in its neighborhood now, people screaming for democracy so forth.Besides they dont proselytize.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    February 2011
    st louis, usa
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    Quote Originally Posted by issacnewton View Post
    I agree. Its good that jews are supporting hindus.

    I strongly support israel and greatly admire many jews in science . But i have
    one comment about this hindu- jewish interaction. Few years ago , there was
    hindu-jewish summit organized by , i think , hindu american foundation.
    to please the jews , guys from hindu american foundation tried to downplay
    some "heathen" aspects of hindu tradition , like idol worship. they tried to
    argue that idol worship is bad ....blah blah blah........ i understand the need
    for hindu-jewish cooperation...........but we can do that without apologising
    for different hindu modes of worship. we should remember that it was the jews
    who invented this idol hating madness......... but like i said, we can support, and i do support israel and jews in general ....while disregarding their bible.
    it was hindu mahasabha, not HAF. The jewish clergy was not clear about hindu theosophy till then and their misconceptions were clarified by the former.Most abrahamic faiths refuse to even read the basic doctrines of dharmic faiths, because they consider reading dharmic doctrines even for information sake in itself tantamounts to blasphemy. In my opinion they are an unstable lot, they are afraid they would realize the enormity of the hindu faith and they might get swayed by it. Following the dialogue, once the seers from hinduism, like Dayananda, explained the doctrines and ritual and practices to accomplish the hindu goals, the Jewish clergy from Jerusalem were convinced. They abandoned the hostile attitude towards hinduism. Namaste.

  8. #8
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    >Jewish people were massacred and europe turned into a slaughter house for them and again in muslim book they were characterized as animals. They formed a nation when they had no other survival option, ......europeans made far off lands their own by utilizing sheer muscle power. Later UN chrter came into existence and borders were drawn between many countries.See all the ongoing commotion in its neighborhood now, people screaming for democracy so forth.Besides they dont proselytize.

    Yes, it is unfortunate the events of the past that lead to mass genocides of the jewish people.

    "they formed a nation when they had no other survival option"

    Yes, they did but they choose the location purely based on a sense of jewish nationalism which even contradicts their own scriptures.

    "Later UN charter came into existence and borders were drawn between many countries"

    Yes, that's true but Israel has repeatedly VIOLATED every boarder which it has claimed, even the so-called "defensible border" against attacks. It's settlements(which are largely supported by Xtians) have the sole purpose of driving the Arabs into the sea. If that's not Adharmic I don't know what is.

    Besides they dont proselytize."

    The lack of proselytization doesn't make there scripture any more humane. Yes the Jewish people are by and large rather peaceful, because they started critically examining their scripture. Judaism is not only a religious code, but it's a nation and while the religious aspect of Judaism is now largely extinct, the secular movement(akin to Hindutva) is still strong and actively pursuing goals which further the cause of Jews around the world.

  9. #9
    nitinsharma Guest

    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOne View Post

    the secular movement(akin to Hindutva) is still strong and actively pursuing goals which further the cause of Jews around the world.

    The word is "Zionism".

  10. #10
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    Re: An Eye-Opening Talk from a Pro-Hindu Jew - Dr. Richard Benkin


    christians have some 60+ majority countries to live in. muslims have some 53
    "islamic countries" to live in. jews have one. let them live in peace. millions of them were slaughtered in europe by christians because they didn't give a damn about you know who. in israel they feel secure. arabs are just madmen from the desert with no real culture....... look here for the jewish contribution to sciences and other disciplines..... real gem these people are... instead of blaming them , you should be proud that they live in your western countries in such large numbers........

    i had read on some online blog some observation about european politics.

    "in politics, when Right goes to the far Right and Left goes to the far Left,
    they go around the circle and meet at the junction of anti-semistism"

    think about it.........

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