
Firstly, please forgive my ignorance if the following matters are already well-known or discussed elsewhere in a more knowledgeable fashion- I wish simply to discuss with members this thought that has occurred to me.

I do not know how many members are familiar with Mongolian throat-singing, but the basic concept involves producing harmonic overtones over a base note; I have found if one begins with intoning "ah" nasally, with the mouth wide open, and slowly closes the mouth keeping the lips in a controlled circle, ending with "m", one can produce harmonic overtones in a basic fashion with practice. The overtones seem to reflect the the basic vowel spectrum/order in the sense of English's a,e,i,o,u (the order of which seems naturally rather than artificially determined- many languages seem to have a similar basic order of vowel-sounds), and I have been given to understand that AUM is both primal and complete in concept, a representation of the sound of Sound. While I would never recommend to deviate from known and received practice, is there any harm in further investigation of this? I am not claiming to have discovered anything wonderful or marvelous, but something about this seems very intriguing... any thoughts would be most welcome.