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Thread: God is the best Armour

  1. #1

    God is the best Armour

    brahma varma mamAntaram ~ Rig Veda 6.75.19

    Brahman is the best armour, protecting me from within
    He subjects each one of us to the other variously, in this way He subjects us all to Him through each other, can you find something whose strength is effective against all things equally? can you find something whose strength does not have a weakness someway? each thing is weak to something else in someway, finding strength outside of yourself (from any apart from God) by acquiring something will expose you to a new vulnerability, the strength built through a single thing means a dependence on that thing, God is the only being to seek strength from anytime, anywhere and He will never fail and never falter, He is accessible always and He is Perfect, Free from all flaws, and nothing can stand against Him

    When I am weak and need help, I can be anywhere and at anytime, and have nothing at all within my reach to my aid, and be surrounded by all things that I cannot stand against, in the face of all adversity should God choose to grant me protection over other things, it means this shield is given to me, and the thing by which I seek God's protection is something that cannot be destroyed by anyone externally, for all sheaths of me can be destroyed one after another, but there is a part of me which no one can touch, and that is the core of my being, and that is that by which I connect to God, in hope and trust.

  2. #2

    Re: God is the best Armour

    There can be nothing existent without a weakness and yet the greatest strength comes from Him which makes the weakest of weak with Him be stronger than the strong without Him. With God all things are possible. Not a single creation in its own can attack God, not even if they gather, not even if all of creation gathered, no matter how much they try.

    This understanding leads to the Uniqueness of God, that His Might is unlike any. Among others, He never exhausts in accomplishing all that He does, all of creation rests entirely upon Him alone and never does He ever waver, and he needs no effort whatsoever.

    When He preserves His creation, He does not strain while preserving it, when He bestows provision nothing within His limitless bounty is spent up and when He destroys, He gets no relief upon destroying.
    Last edited by Kumar_Das; 11 October 2011 at 03:27 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: God is the best Armour

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumar_Das View Post
    He subjects each one of us to the other variously, in this way He subjects us all to Him through each other,...

    God is the only being to seek strength from anytime, anywhere and He will never fail and never falter, He is accessible always and He is Perfect, Free from all flaws, and nothing can stand against Him

    When I am weak and need help, I can be anywhere and at anytime, and have nothing at all within my reach to my aid, and be surrounded by all things that I cannot stand against, in the face of all adversity should God choose to grant me protection over other things, it means this shield is given to me, and the thing by which I seek God's protection is something that cannot be destroyed by anyone externally, for all sheaths of me can be destroyed one after another, but there is a part of me which no one can touch, and that is the core of my being, and that is that by which I connect to God, in hope and trust.

    There can be nothing existent without a weakness and yet the greatest strength comes from Him which makes the weakest of weak with Him be stronger than the strong without Him. With God all things are possible. Not a single creation in its own can attack God, not even if they gather, not even if all of creation gathered, no matter how much they try.

    This understanding leads to the Uniqueness of God, that His Might is unlike any. Among others, He never exhausts in accomplishing all that He does, all of creation rests entirely upon Him alone and never does He ever waver, and he needs no effort whatsoever.

    When He preserves His creation, He does not strain while preserving it, when He bestows provision nothing within His limitless bounty is spent up and when He destroys, He gets no relief upon destroying.
    Hare KRshNa !

    You have aptly described Yadunandan, my prANanAtha prANeshwar. He has always been this to me. Gati suRhd sakhA prANapati. Thanks for writing.

    om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya


    अनादिनिधनं विष्णुं सर्वलोकमहेश्वरम्।
लोकाध्यक्षं स्तुवन्नित्यं सर्वदुःखातिगो भवेत्॥१२॥
    ब्रह्मण्यं सर्वधर्मज्ञं लोकानां कीर्तिवर्धनम्।
लोकनाथं महद्भूतं सर्वभूतभवोद्भवम्॥१३॥
    परमं यो महत्तेजः परमं यो महत्तपः।
परमं यो महद्ब्रह्म परमं यः परायणम्॥१५॥

    पवित्राणां पवित्रं यो मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम्।
दैवतं दैवतानां च भूतानां योऽव्ययः पिता॥१६॥


    सर्वगः सर्वविद्भानुर्विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः।
वेदो वेदविदव्यङ्गो वेदाङ्गो वेदवित् कविः॥१४॥

    लोकाध्यक्षः सुराध्यक्षो धर्माध्यक्षः कृताकृतः।
चतुरात्मा चतुर्व्यूहश्चतुर्दंष्ट्रश्चतुर्भुजः॥१५॥

    भ्राजिष्णुर्भोजनं भोक्ता सहिष्णुर्जगदादिजः।
अनघो विजयो जेता विश्वयोनिः पुनर्वसुः॥१६॥

    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

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