Re: I don't get Bhakti
hariḥ oṁ
Bhakti is a very refined level of behavior that unfolds. It unfolds from the maturity of the heart, it swells until nothing but that which one is devoted to becomes one's full and complete attention.
I ask the HDF reader to consider the following. For this devotion to take hold there are some pre-requistes that need to be in place so this complete swelling of the heart unfolds.
Where can we look for guidence ? All we need to do is look for a great authority and I yield to the bhāgavad gītā and kṛṣṇa-ji. If one looks at the teaching given to arjuna , there is a pace, a strategy that kṛṣṇa-ji offers.
First he teaches arjuna about the nature of reality, on proper right action, on being established in yoga; on who really acts and who does not. He teaches on brahman, on yoga and skill in action. Upon knowing this (arjun) you will no more fall into delusion says kṛṣṇa-ji in chapter 4, 35th śloka. He continues his instructions in chapters 5 and 6.
He is preparing arjuna for Divine Union. This 1st must be put in place for devotion ( bhaki) to fully bloom. You see, devotion is a real thing, a real experience. It is not mood making. It is not pretending 'as if' you know the Lord, but as the only reality you know . Then one's devotion swells and is possible.
If we look to chapter 6 of the bhāgavad gītā kṛṣṇa-ji begins to lay the foundation for God Consciousness, God Realization. Prior to this the foundation being constructed is that of Self-realization. The principle is simple - how can I know the Lord if I do not even know mySelf!
My teacher has told us that God-consciousness is the most highly developed state of silence - the silence of the Self (ātman). Thus in chapter 6 the foundation begins for devotion, yet is talked about as being 'united' . Kṛṣṇa-ji says in chapter 6, 47th śloka , of all yogi's I hold him most united who worships me with faith, his inner most Self absorbed in Me.
This is the point I wish reader to kindly consider... this is the pre-requiste (his inner most Self absorbed in Me) for a fully bloomed devotional being - the person first needs to be established in the Self so they can be absorbed in union with the Divine.
If one starts with devotion, where is the foundation that it is built upon ? If it is not there then one begins mood making.
So am I saying one should be devoid of devotion ? No. Reverence is very useful and uplifting. Yet one would be wise to also consider other ingredients to unfold devotion: one's will (icchā) + faith (śraddhā) which enables kratu¹.
Ādi śaṅkara's definition of this kratu is much stronger then just resolution. He defines it as , 'that this is so, not otherwise'. This notion that 'this is so…' is one of resolute will and firm faith, but in what?
Of what one will become in a future condition. Of what one wants to become, to unfold to , over time. For the sādhu, it is the condition of mokṣa, or bhakti, or that of yoga. That is, pursuing ones spiritual status, while here on this earth.
kratu क्रतु - resolve, determination, purpose; kratu as intelligence personified as a son of brahmā and one of the prajāpatis or the seven (sometimes ten) principal ṛṣi-s
Last edited by yajvan; 12 December 2011 at 12:03 PM.
यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
because you are identical with śiva