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Thread: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

  1. #1

    Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    ...Probably what annoys me most about this video is just the straight-up superiority complex it isn't even conscious of...

    Oh yeah, 'Christianity' is a RELATIONSHIP, but all other theistic religions are nothing but rules and regulations.

    ...Except... Christianity is ALSO chock FULL of RULES and REGULATIONS!

    Is Christianity the only religion, I mean RELATIONSHIP, that teaches love, compassion, and the Mercy of the Lord?

    Is Christianity the only 'system' that has a supernal claim, and ISN'T simply the meanderings and ponderings of finite human beings?

    The presumption and arrogance of this video simply dumbfounds me. And yet, it is pretty slick propaganda, I'll give it that...
    How can I put this in a sentence? Try next time.

  2. #2

    Re: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    Do you want everybody click on this and add to its view count? I think I may have seen the same vedio in the youtube suggestion list of most popular (I don't know since I have not clicked the above link, was it something like 'why I like christ but not christianity' or some such ****?). But I never paid a 2nd notice. So don't get worked up and avoid getting associated with your past whether in a positive way or in disdain. If you really don't like these condescending attitude of Christians, stop giving them the attention they seek.
    Last edited by sm78; 14 January 2012 at 02:19 PM.
    What is Here, is Elsewhere. What is not Here, is Nowhere.

  3. #3
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    Re: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    Well, I think this is worth discussing somewhat more. Perhaps it's just that I'm Indian American and have to deal with this religion on a far more frequent basis than people back home, but I don't think we can afford to be ignorant about a faith that poses a very real threat to our culture.

    I've seen this video crop up on the Internet today before coming to HDF, but the claim it makes is pretty standard among evangelicals. Christianity is contrasted with religion, and is supposedly more about a relationship than ritual. Personally I think this is a weakness rather than a strength. Any idiot who believes in any sort of God has a 'relationship' with God. But there are many times when we do not feel a particularly strong connection to God, and it is in those times that doing our familiar pujas and reciting mantras keeps God in our lives. They aren't as subject to the whims of human emotion as this so-called relationship-based faith. By eschewing ritual, Christianity is taking away one of the strengths of religion.

    So why do I point this out rather than let evangelical Christianity crash and burn? I think it will do that either way, but these ad campaigns are responsible for converting many Indian Americans to Christianity. We need to realize that "relationship, not religion" is not a selling point, and is in fact a good reason to stay away from Christianity.

  4. #4

    Re: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    Quote Originally Posted by sm78 View Post
    Do you want everybody click on this and add to its view count?
    Sure why not. It will help churn discussion. Namely, how fallacy ridden this video in fact is.

    Quote Originally Posted by sm78 View Post
    I think I may have seen the same vedio in the youtube suggestion list of most popular (I don't know since I have not clicked the above link, was it something like 'why I like christ but not christianity' or some such ****?). But I never paid a 2nd notice. So don't get worked up and avoid getting associated with your past whether in a positive way or in disdain. If you really don't like these condescending attitude of Christians, stop giving them the attention they seek.
    This is also a valid point. In a way I have struggled (and am struggling) to disentangle myself from Abrahamism. But here I'm not really angry. And, since I figured this was the subforum to post, I thought, well, this is getting to be a pretty iconic video on YT with somewhere around 10 Million views now, and perhaps it is worth throwing out how pathetic an appeal it really makes.
    How can I put this in a sentence? Try next time.

  5. #5

    Re: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjaya View Post
    By eschewing ritual, Christianity is taking away one of the strengths of religion.
    Ritual IS important and, I would say, even of paramount importance. Thank you for making that point.

    If a religion is so etherealized that a practitioner cannot settle on anything concrete, than he may as well be an atheist from my point of view. And yet, many Christians would say that such life-giving rituals are nothing but 'idolatry' - another well-honed buzzword...
    How can I put this in a sentence? Try next time.

  6. #6

    Re: Viral Christian Video Claiming its not 'Religious'

    hi Kismet ^^

    ]This is also a valid point. In a way I have struggled (and am struggling) to disentangle myself from Abrahamism
    I can totally relate to this. Even I have made a few post on other forms on abrahamic issues, to me it's like crying for help to make my broken ego happy.
    I'm getting better now though thanks to some great teachers such as eckhart tolle,alan watts,Eknath Easwaran etc.

    If we can just take no notice and not feed the ego and it's curiosity, we become masters of our own thoughts ^.^ 

    Christains do the same with atheist, they go on there videos and then complain cause they just hurt there own ego and they are fixing the "little me" lol pretty funny how it all works after Reading Eckhart Tolle's New Earth book.
    Last edited by Moonlight; 15 January 2012 at 05:37 AM.
    Religion = self idenity = entrapment,
    Only in silence will you find God.

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