Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks
Hi satay ^^
I totally agree with you on there stupid
behavior. Like 95% don't even read there bibles nor understand it's meaning which is pretty sad and I can see why the Gnostics said about people comming out the well empty handed and calling themselves Christains.
What theses fakes don't realize Is to belive in Christ is to belive in the Self.
The isha Upanishad verse 3
"those who deny the Self are born again Blind to the Self, enveloped in darkness, Utterly devoid of love for the lord."
They only love feeding there lust and pride and this is wrong and they should work on themselves.
If they truly had the holy spirit which is universal and the root of all religions, they wouldn't be acting like animals.
Religion = self idenity = entrapment,
Only in silence will you find God.