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Thread: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

  1. #21
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Pietro Impagliazzo View Post
    Satay, but Mahahrad has a point.

    Hindus take themselves seriously because dharma/religion is ingrained in their social living in a different way.

    A Christian may call himself one but may be one in a very irreflected manner.
    At least we should not take that stuff more serious than the Christians themselves I think in europe if a preacher that said Adolf Hitler is Heaven and the Jews in hell he would get kicked out of his job, had to pay a large fines or even end up in Jail for hate speech.
    Last edited by MahaHrada; 06 February 2012 at 06:15 PM.

  2. #22
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by MahaHrada View Post
    Yes U.S must be a terrible place regarding christian superstitions, and hate speech tv preachers, i thought canada is more advanced. It is sad to hear that there are still so many people who think like that outside the bible belt.
    Vannakkam MH et al: What I always find so incredibly striking (most especially in contrast to hearing a swami speak) is the yelling and the anger. These preachers stand there and actually just yell at the congregation. Its like taking some verbal back-lashing from a parent for an hour. The older fellows often wear toupees. It's truly remarkable to watch, even for a moment. Some kind of weird masochistic therapy from another planet.

    If I was there and he was screaming about hell, I'd be thinking, "Tell me about it."

    Canada is more advanced just that in our pockets of bible belt are smaller.

    Aum Namasivaya

  3. #23

    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Hi satay ^^

    I totally agree with you on there stupid
    behavior. Like 95% don't even read there bibles nor understand it's meaning which is pretty sad and I can see why the Gnostics said about people comming out the well empty handed and calling themselves Christains. 

    What theses fakes don't realize Is to belive in Christ is to belive in the Self.

    The isha Upanishad verse 3

    "those who deny the Self are born again Blind to the Self, enveloped in darkness, Utterly devoid of love for the lord."

    They only love feeding there lust and pride and this is wrong and they should work on themselves. 

    If they truly had the holy spirit which is universal and the root of all religions, they wouldn't be acting like animals.
    Religion = self idenity = entrapment,
    Only in silence will you find God.

  4. #24
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
    Like 95% don't even read there bibles nor understand it's meaning which is pretty sad and I can see why the Gnostics said about people comming out the well empty handed and calling themselves Christains. 

    What theses fakes don't realize Is to belive in Christ is to belive in the Self.

    The isha Upanishad verse 3

    "those who deny the Self are born again Blind to the Self, enveloped in darkness, Utterly devoid of love for the lord."

    They only love feeding there lust and pride and this is wrong and they should work on themselves. 

    If they truly had the holy spirit which is universal and the root of all religions, they wouldn't be acting like animals.
    I hate to break the bad news to you but Jesu was one of the bad guys, and those that read and understand the bible are the most dangerous people and it is those we have to fear the most.

    The only good christian is a bad christian the one who has no idea what kind of evil is written in that book.

    Most of what he did was to preach hate against his co -religionist like the pharisees and other sects of the traditional hebrew priests and rabbis who had no intent of subjugating others to their beliefs or to convert others.

    This fanatic incited unrest intolerance evil and strife and uprisings in the society as well as the family only the lowest slaves and degraded people followed him. Christianity was a slave religion and they came to power by a brutal and violent slave uprising.

    The execution of this criminal was the appropriate reaction of the pagan roman empire who had a pluralistic view of religion the only problem was that it was too late and his poison had already spread among the uneducated and primitive masses of slave laborers in the followup it brought the downfall of spiritually and scientifically highly evolved ancient cultures suffocating everything that is good.
    Last edited by MahaHrada; 06 February 2012 at 02:27 PM.

  5. #25

    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Hello mahaHrada ^^

    I must be Reading a different book then o_O lol nah I used to hate the bible and the storys but when you look at it in a different way it's a good read. I see Jesus teachings all based on the ego and desires and that those desires can never enter the higher realms. I can't stand Paul's writing but some of the spiritual things he talks about I take.
    "take what is useful and develop from there" - Bruce lee

    I use all scriptures and improve myself.

    Heck in Romans 13 Paul thinks Nero and all rulers of the world are choosen by god >_> lol some things in that book is amusing  
    Religion = self idenity = entrapment,
    Only in silence will you find God.

  6. #26
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
    lol some things in that book is amusing  
    No i dont think anything in this book is amusing. Jesus Christ and his teaching Christianity is the greatest catastrophe that ever happened to this planet and to makind, besides throwing the development of art, science, and religion backwards for several thousand years, it is also endangering today the survival of one of the last remnants of ancient pagan times, Bharat varsha and Dharma via Islam and the Jihadis.

    There would be no Islam without the barbarism of the christian faith, since Judaism, like all the ancient religions, was never interested in conversions.

    The human race has not fully revived from the impact of this barbaric religion, and probably never will, since it brought Islam in its wake and the Jihad is now endangering the physical survival of the human race because nuclear weapons are already in the hands of Jihadis in Pakistan and soon maybe in Iran as well.

    At least there is a great chance that all freedom of thought and religion and free and humanist society, as we know it will be soon a thing of the past caused by the virulent spread of Islam.

    When i was in Cyprus looking at the ruins of the ancient pagan temples houses and theaters that are quite well preserved, i realised what a beautiful amazing place this planet would have been without Christianity.

    Seeing with my own eyes the remnants of this glorious age and the subsequent destruction and degeneration that followed,and when i realisied where we would have been now and what was missed by mankind just because Jesus survived his infancy, was one of the saddest moments in my life.
    Last edited by MahaHrada; 06 February 2012 at 04:46 PM.

  7. #27
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by MahaHrada View Post

    This fanatic incited unrest intolerance evil and strife and uprisings in the society as well as the family only the lowest slaves and degraded people followed him. Christianity was a slave religion and they came to power by a brutal and violent slave uprising.
    That is a fascinating perspective I never thought of.

    Fwiw, I live in the heart of the U.S. Bile Belt, and these people are fanatical crazy but also quite hypocritical.

    Lastly, I am fairly convinced that Jesus never really existed.

    That was a whole lot of random things directed at no one in particular, lol. I grew up in a devout Christian family and I have a lot of baggage, lol.

  8. #28

    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks

    This is a chewy thread with a lot of interesting points for discussion.
    But I will begin with the first one about Hitler.

    I'm sure that Hitler could not just say that he believed in Jesus and then go straight to heaven.

    But lets just say that he sat down and meditated during the last minutes of his life and reached Samadhi. If this happened he would understand what he did, he would understand that he was responsible for all these dead people and the karma that would happened after this due to his and the other Nazis actions.
    He would know that he would have to go back again, and again, and again to serve and to help people and the planet. If this did happen he would probably spend lifetimes upon lifetimes devoted to service.

    But I'm pretty sure that a person like Hitler would never be able to sit down and become Self Realized, so it is pretty safe to say that he is around now doing something else, it'll be a long time before he has the opportunity to realize who he is. He probably came back as a little krill in the sea.

    I agree with MahaHrada that a lot of Christians don't really know what Christianity really teaches, in Europe there are very few fanatics compared to the US.

    I wonder how many really believe in the resurrection in Europe?
    Since it's Easter I have seen several facebook posts about how Jesus was tortured for hours and hours and hours, and then somehow that means that people are forgiven. People post these torture videos as if it is a good thing! It also means that after people have died, Jesus will come back and restore the body on judgment day. He proved this by getting out of his grave after being tortured to death for three days.
    So even if Jesus comes back 1000 years after we die, he will restore the bodies of those who believed in him. Imagine how a body would look after 1000 years in a grave...

    This I find very very weird. How can people use the image of someone tortured to death as the symbol of their religion? And how can the believe in the resurrection?

    I do think that lots of Christians are unaware of that and they think of Jesus as a teacher who will meet them in Heaven when they die.


  9. #29

    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks


    Other issues many Abrahamics seem unwilling to truly examine include:

    -The inarguable evidence that much of their "Divine Word" derived from pre-existing beliefs.
    If they wish to worship the original Middle Eastern deity that supposedly saved devotees from a flood sent as divine punishment,
    then they should be rebuilding a temple to the old Sumerian god Enki..

    -The Christians' need to identify with, and focus on, their early status as a persecuted minority-
    which has not been the case since approximately the year 325, at least..
    which means that about 83% of their history does not feature being either persecuted, or a social minority.

    -Any and all variations of "extra Ecclesiam nulla salus",
    being Latin for "Outside the Church, there is no salvation".
    What a lovely thought- that someone born in, say, an untouched pocket of the Amazon,
    who has never heard of Jesus, Allah, or any Abrahamic belief whatsoever, has no other destiny than to suffer eternal torment upon death.

    -An underlying masochism, the obsession with all things physical and material in nature
    being inherently sinful, corrupt, filthy, impure, abominable, etc.
    There is a deep difference in the thoughts, words and actions of those who believe
    that there is either only eternal Heaven or eternal Hell awaiting after death, and those of us that do not share this view...

    -The absurd lengths required by any flavor of Judaic, Christian, or Muslim theodicy.
    A flawless premise does not give rise to the elaborate and convoluted arguments and justifications found in most apologetic works..

    I only mention these things, as points that have been useful to make, when aggressively challenged by Abrahamics.

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  10. #30
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    Re: Hitler and why Abrahamic soteriology sucks


    Interesting thread.
    Does anyone have more realizations to share?


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