Hello !
First of all, i am very happy to be here ! Please, excuse me if i make some mistakes as english is not my first language...
I am McKitty, and i study videogames in france. This is very interesting, as I both love videogames and drawing/painting.

I discovered Sanatana dharma about 3 years ago. To be honest, i didn't knew much about this and didn't felt concerned about those kind of things...As i wasn't very happy in my life too. Then I had a dream (and i know it can sound very stupid but still, it's important for me.) I had a dream where i was on a field with a very tall man with a very strong presence. I reconized Shiva, he gave me one of his snake around his neck and told me to go to India. Then i was walking on a dusty road, spend the night alone with the snake without fear.
The following month, my aunt asked me if i wanted to go to south India with her. I remembered the dream and felt i had something to discover there.
I began to gain interest in Sanatana Dharma, reading books (first Mahabharata, then Ramayana...) before going to Tamil Nadu.

Needless to say that this trip to India was the biggest experience of all my life. We didn't go there like tourists, sleeping in hotels and doing tours: we lived with indian people and we make very dear friends there, as they accepted us. My first met with Lord Shiva during a puja in a temple was a really moving experience, and i felt like i opened my eyes to something greater.

I learned alone many things, as there is no temple or indian people around my place of living to help. I went looking on the internet if a non indian can follow the path of sanatana dharma, and i was very sad to found many negative answers. I was very afraid to be rejected, but i realised that the deep love i felt for GOD was superior. If i had to be rejected, it would not stop me from following this path, and even if GOD is not happy with it, i will still love and honor him.

A year later i had another dream where the same man with this strong, divine essence showed me to conduct puja to Lord Ganesha. From this day, I practice Puja and Japa mala, and found that i am very happy in my life.

I came here because i saw that i wasn't the only one non indian that followed this path, and i am very relieved. I am hoping to find new friends and to learn much about Dharma here... As i already have so many questions to ask ! But i will not bother you for now, I just want to say that I am very happy to meet you in this place, and even if my story can seems a bit strange, i swear to you it is the truth.