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Thread: The Value Of This Forum...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The Value Of This Forum...

    Hari om

    Namaste Saksin ( the witness within you)
    I would like to sumit to your good nature my thoughts on the value of this forum. Why so? at times the lively art of debate seems to turn into jalpa, or polemics. I mention this, as I would suggest to our esteemed webmaster and owner of this HDF we as a group agree to some guidelines and principles... why so? We should never be in a situation where one is asked to leave the forum because of bad behavior. My teacher has taught me , we are born to bless, this you should never forget. That means we (I) need to practice it, and not just remember it. Having people leave the forum becuse of poor edicate suggests failure, and one walks away in a huff with bad thoughts, and this affects us all.

    It is my humble opinion this forum can serve many purposes... please take a look, let me know where you think my logic is blemished and submit the rebuttal as you see fit. Also comment on what you enjoy the most, so others can view this and contribute to your enjoyment... that stimulates friendship, adds value and the upliftment of the soul.

    Value of this forum

    • Compare and contrast ideas - that is, one's present understanding and how it may be the same, differ from another. This is how one gains perspective...this is called putadaksa, or purified judgement.
      It's a delight to say that Mitra in the veda's own this facility.
    • The awakening of dhi - our brain power (medha) is exercised; we can groom and culture dhiyam ghrtacim or illuminied thought based on the higher principles we can discuss. This is owned or facilitated by Saraswati - 'she of the stream, the flowing movement'.
    • From a spiritual perspective - sama-damadi-sadhana-sampattih - that is, and this is from, Adi Shankara's 4 fold pre-requisites for study of Vedanta. The attainment of calmness (sama), temperance (damadi), spiritual disipline (sadhana from sadh or straight to the goal), and shraddha or faith.
      How can we get this from this forum? Because knowledge is the greatest purifier. It leads to successful action (kriya), which brings achievements, that are harvested in fulfillment of desires. And I am in hopes the desires of this forum is kevala or enlightenment.

      Now, what I enjoy the most on this forum? Samabhirudha. That is the etymolgical vewpoint of words, their root and origins. The beauty and key to understanding the root values lies in the word compositon. As we discuss these word origins, the brilliance comes out. I find delight in the seer's ( rishi's or kavi) words used and how they spare no effort for slesa (slesha) or double meanings. This is to gain maximium benefit for communcation.
    What can cause angst on this forum? The zeal to win and or to find fault.

    Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rig-Veda, 1-89-i

    Last edited by yajvan; 14 January 2007 at 12:05 PM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  2. #2
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    Re: The Value Of This Forum...

    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    Hari om

    What can cause angst on this forum? The zeal to win and or to find fault.

    Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rig-Veda, 1-89-i


    W/o the angst, the second part may not arise. If one encounters opposition or fierce criticism, it is the inner situation requiring and urging confirmation/purification. Guru guiding the ego to get washed with fire.

    Let noble thoughts come to us from every side


    That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

  3. #3
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    Re: The Value Of This Forum...

    namaste Yajvan!
    Thank you for the post.

    In general, I agree with your post and thoughts on the matter.

    First, one correction, I may be the person who paid for the software and forum hosting, however, I do not consider myself the 'owner' of HDF. HDF is the dream of three people (actually four) and the real owner(s) are the 200 members of this forum!

    Now, a comment on asking people to leave the forum. The post you read in the moderation thread is an old one and goes back many months. The environment of the forum at that time was different due to a number of people promoting their own individual agendas that were not in line with the main agenda of HDF, which is to promote and present Hinduism in a positive manner. I know that when discussions get heated we can all loose site of this main purpose of the forum, I know that I have also been guilty of this and members like yourself have corrected me.

    I do not wish to be a tyrant when moderating this forum. However, I have had to make tough decisions in the past because some members continously ignored the forum rules even after repeated reminders. Sometimes, though my decision seems quick and harsh, it is made sometimes based on my encounters with the member(s) on another forum(s). Some members chase each other from forum to forum as well they chase moderators from forum to forum. There are many many forums on the internet that allow all type of spam, self promotion etc. It is my hope and request to all members that we should at least try to keep this forum clean of such things.

  4. #4
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    Re: The Value Of This Forum...

    Hari Om
    Quote Originally Posted by satay View Post
    namaste Yajvan!

    I do not consider myself the 'owner' of HDF. HDF is the dream of three people (actually four) and the real owner(s) are the 200 members of this forum!

    Now, a comment on asking people to leave the forum. The post you read ... I know that when discussions get heated we can all loose site of this main purpose of the forum, I know that I have also been guilty of this and members like yourself have corrected me.

    However, I have had to make tough decisions in the past because some members continously ignored the forum rules even after repeated reminders.
    Namaste satay,
    you speak earnestly and I respect your decisions. If the members can agree to the principles of HDF, then we can post harmoniously. Yet, if there is differences of opinion, this is OK too, as differences is the fundamental of Bhu Loka. It's how we differ that is key...respectfully and with open mind, or the opposite.

    IF then after a member considers to be part of the upliftment, and learning all the best for all of us. If though after a debate that ends with discomfort and strife, then perhaps a choice is given to the native. To reconsider and come to terms (peace) with others, or, as needed, depart. But it beomes his/her choice. If the bad behavior continues, then you have the means of shutting off the power ( sort of) to that indivdual's posts and life goes on.
    Why is this worth considering? To make the best use of the time we have here:
    To get a human body is a rare thing ~ make use of it. There are 4 million kinds of lives which a soul ( Atman) can gather. After that one gets a chance to be human, to get a human body. Therefore, one should not waste this chance. Every second of human life is valuable. If you don’t value this, then you have nothing in hand and you will weep in the end.
    Because you are human, God has given you power to think and decide what is good and bad. Therefore, you can do the best possible kind of action. You should never consider yourself weak or a fallen creature. Whatever may have happened up till now may be because you didn’t know, but know be careful ~ after getting a human body, if you don’t reach God, then you have sold a diamond at the price of spinach.
    Swami Brahmanand Saraswatiji - Shankaracharaya of Jyotirmath, 1941 to 1953
    Last edited by yajvan; 15 January 2007 at 08:23 PM.
    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


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