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Thread: the path of tolerance...

  1. #11
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Namaste Yajvan and all,

    I can tell you how you are taught to respect other religions/faiths/philosophies in a traditional Hindu family (in India but may be in other countries too).

    My parents taught me to respect all faiths. If I started arguing that Jesus didn't exist, most likely I would get a strong disapproval from them. Similar with Islam, though it is one religion which has long-drawn conflict with Hindu faith. I remember we had Christian friends and had strongly family relations with them. I still fondly remember my one "Didi" (elder sister) of my childhood who was a christian. We could never ever think that their "God" was false ... this "false God" concept is missing in Hinduism. All forms and names of God are considered valid and any question on their being 'true' is not encouraged ... and not considered auspicious.

    I remember going to Sufi shrines in my childhood. A few years back I was at Khwaja Salim Chisti's shrine in Agra with my family. We all offered "chAdar" and prayed there with full respect.

    What I feel that intolerance is a political thing which is fed and encouraged by some interested groups within Hindu society. Most of the times, they are fed with distorted history, their dark sides so that you start hating them while conveniently forgetting that there are some such examples in our faiths too.

    Jesus existed or not is not an issue at all, this can be understood only by a truly spiritual person. "Is the path shown by him is right ?" is the more valid question. There have been many great saints that Christianity produced ... Ramkrishna was able to "Realise" Jesus Christ in meditation ... so that is what is important.

    The Consciousness of Christ whether appeared in the mind of "Jesus" or any other saint is more important than a human being named "Jesus" in flesh and bones. The faith of the Christ devotees does the rest. A "Christ/Jesus vibration of Consciousness" is automatically created (even if such personality never existed) by the power of strong faith of the devotees and starts helping/guiding you. Let's remember, mind creates what we strongly believe in either here or in the subtle world.

    So, I will say that we should respect all faiths ... not just tolerance. Hindu Dharma doesn't teach us to tolerate, it teaches us to respect all faiths and all forms of God.

    "Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaye"

  2. #12
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    hari o

    namasté Believer,

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post
    Namaste Yajvan,

    Please take a deep breath, and do it one more time. Just chill.

    Your sentences started with 'I ask myself' and ended with 'I have no answer'. So, I was pulling your leg about not asking yourself and rather consulting someone who knows; with a smiley at the end. Have some sense of humor. Being a man of religion does not mean you have to be dead serious all the time. Don't look for trouble where none exists. If you don't want any humorous comments, or for that matter any comments that do not jive with your posts, then maybe you ought to just keep your thoughts to yourself and not post them.

    Few months back I made a post about Bobby Jindal and you had strong counter opinions about that. I chose to ignore and not escalate. Sometimes self discipline helps. I will write this episode off as someone having a bad day, and not respond, should you choose to keep it brewing.
    Just a note that I did not see the comedic innuendo in your offer. That does not suggest the offer was tantamount to being aggressive... I just missed the 'funny part' and did not see it. Perhaps by this I will come to know your humor.

    Re: Bobby Jindal - I do not recall this post but would be happy to revisit it , if it brings value. I have great respect for Mr. Jendal. Yet that said, if in any way I have slighted you, I ask your pardon.

    Re: Being dead serious - I do not see myself as that. But I know this, words can cause mischief. People on the other side of the screen do not really know one's intent, behaviors and abilities. So for me, I do not see myself as dead serious but wish to keep an even keel. I have seen too many conversations go sideways, and I wish not to be part of the slide.

    Re: George Washington - My offer was not political. My offer was that of a brilliant quote that combined action and one's beliefs. Yet for some curious reason the words ( once again) got in the way.

    Last - I do not see myself looking for trouble. In fact I asked you a question to open the lines of communication to come to better know your values:
    Let me offer you the opportunity to pose the questions you would ask ( a more knowledgable person) so I can better undertand your POV and perhaps gain insight into your opinions and values.

    This was not a challange ( as I see it) but an invitation. It still stands. It is by uncovering one's values that one gets to know other beings.

    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  3. #13
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Devotee, what a wonderful childhood you had. I can not imagine such a sublime place. You have very good Parents!

    Here, it is very different. I was taught that jesus was the only way...only way.

    You have three types of people in the world.

    1. Those who never heard the "good news" about jesus dying for your sins.

    -Which those must be found save them. But, it was admitted that those who never heard the Good News were bound for heaven, but it was not as glorious as those who had heard and did the right thing by accepting jesus.

    2. Those who heard the Good News and didn't listen. These are hell bound.

    3. Good xtians in good standing with jesus. Heaven bound.


    Now, i do not think my experience an exception.

    At 1-2 years of age went to baptist, switched mormon till around 10. At 10 we went to the pentacostal church(assembly of god-the worst)....then switched back to baptist...this time Southern. Then to catholic church...till i got big enough you could no longer bully me and make me go. At each point i resisted this teaching...

    All of these places were the same in reguard to how they saw the world. Three types of people. There is no other option.

    There is no room for respecting other beliefs in such a state. Only by experiencing good people of Eastern faith did i discover there were other options. Because, at this point in my life, i had planned to remove myself. I could not dwell here if those three options above were the only they had claimed.

  4. #14
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Namaste Yajvan,

    Evidently there has been a misunderstanding/miscommunication on both sides. And I am sorry for my part.

    About my values; in my 800 plus posts, I have laid bare my soul by offering views on issues ranging from teenage masturbation to my disgust with self loathing universalists (posing as Hindus) to Is God really compassionate and more. Some people love me for my views, some merely tolerate me and others hate my guts. There is not much more I can say that will make me 'better understood' in the forum.

    The forum is not about me, but about Hinduism.


  5. #15
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    hari o

    namast Believer,

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post
    Namaste Yajvan,

    Evidently there has been a misunderstanding/miscommunication on both sides. And I am sorry for my part.

    About my values; in my 800 plus posts, I have laid bare my soul by offering views on issues ranging from teenage masturbation to my disgust with self loathing universalists (posing as Hindus) to Is God really compassionate and more. Some people love me for my views, some merely tolerate me and others hate my guts. There is not much more I can say that will make me 'better understood' in the forum.

    The forum is not about me, but about Hinduism.

    I thank you for your mature response and gain additional respect for your posts. Yes, mis-understandings occur both here and in our face-to-face interactions within our community. The best we can do is to offer clarity of one's position, apologise when mis-understood, and grow from the experience ( if possible).

    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  6. #16
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Quote Originally Posted by Believer View Post
    Namaste Yajvan,

    Evidently there has been a misunderstanding/miscommunication on both sides. And I am sorry for my part.

    About my values; in my 800 plus posts, I have laid bare my soul by offering views on issues ranging from teenage masturbation to my disgust with self loathing universalists (posing as Hindus) to Is God really compassionate and more. Some people love me for my views, some merely tolerate me and others hate my guts. There is not much more I can say that will make me 'better understood' in the forum.

    The forum is not about me, but about Hinduism.

    I do not always agree...or maybe i have, i do not keep track

    But, I do Love you so very much. Because you come from the heart, you can feel it...a true poet heart.

    I would post this in kudos, but i always run out...and forgive me if it's too much.

    But, Beloved have mercy! Any Portion lucky enough to be in your physical Darshan must have been given a boon by Shiva HimSelf. Even this limited state, i feel lucky.

    So, maybe i am disagreeing with you a lil this time.

    This forum is very much about You, and Beloved Yajvan...and EM...and EVERY One! All of You<3

    You make this possible...You make this Great. and we also can make this....

    Tolerant or Compassionate...or Educational...or...Silly (that's my job)

    You all make this place Great...a Home.

    Beloved's Home<3

  7. #17
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Namaste Naya,

    Thanks for the platitudes, but we have a homely which roughly translates to, 'Any village idiot can create the illusion of being a great sage, to the people outside his own village.'

    I rest my case.


  8. #18
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    There's an old saying about....

    Puting daisies in the outhouse.

    No matter how many you put out some's going to start to stink.

    Just give it some time.

    from my experience, i think it is wiser to be the fool anyway. No one mistakes you for the King when uprisings happen.

  9. #19
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    Re: the path of tolerance...

    Namaste NS,

    Quote Originally Posted by NayaSurya View Post
    Here, it is very different. I was taught that jesus was the only way...only way.

    You have three types of people in the world.

    1. Those who never heard the "good news" about jesus dying for your sins.

    -Which those must be found save them. But, it was admitted that those who never heard the Good News were bound for heaven, but it was not as glorious as those who had heard and did the right thing by accepting jesus.

    2. Those who heard the Good News and didn't listen. These are hell bound.

    3. Good xtians in good standing with jesus. Heaven bound.
    Yeah, Christians are made to believe the above. My daughter is in a Christian Missionary run college right now. The College is under the administrative control of hard-core catholic christians. So, she was not so happy with their attitude of forcing their doctrines down the throat in one form or the other.

    In fact, she has a very good friend who is a Christian. She tried to convince my daughter (This effort became stronger when my daughter fell ill in the hostel and she was taken care of by same Christian friend) how important it was to accept Jesus as her saviour ! However, my daughter is well versed in VedAnta. All this Jesus-centric mentality appears childish to her. She simply said to her friend, "Are you happy accepting Jesus as your saviour ? If yes, let me be happy with my VedAnta. And we can still be good friends, OK ?".

    So, the friendship continues ...

    "Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaye"

  10. #20
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    Re: the path of tolerance...


    I found it very strange how this kind of thing works Oo I mean, my country is essentially christian (even if we now live together with many muslims) and it's very rude for someone to try to convince people or even to talk about his/her faith that way.

    My aunt is very very christian, she is the only one in the family to go to church nearly every weeks. Nobody in the family do like this, and still she never tried to convince anyone she was right and when I am at her home she never tries to convert me. In fact, we nearly never talk about religion in my country, it's very personnal. I found very strange those stories of people saying they are saved, and trying to save others O___O I found this...rude.

    Maybe it's because in the US, many follows the churches. Many people in my country says they believe in God, but not in the church.

    I will go to a family in the US soon for work, I hope they will be nice to me and not like the ones you describe ^^"

    ~Aum Namah Shivaya~

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