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Thread: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore

  1. #11
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    Re: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore

    I pity you TouchedbytheLord but appreciate your patience and courage.
    ॐ महेश्वराय नमः

    || Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya ||

    Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambo Shankara

  2. #12
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    Re: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore

    Wundermonk, I for one am glad you posted these (no offense to those of differing opinion). Yes, it's a form of negativity. But ignorance of the plague of Christianity is precisely the means by which we allow this horrible and evil religion to erode our culture. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. It is encouraging too see Indians taking advantage of the law and complaining about conversion attempts, rather than touting this tired old line that "all religions are equally valid." All religions are not equally valid. Any religion which condemns a billion Hindus to hell for failing to give up our culture and become de facto Europeans is evil, and should be recognized as such.

  3. #13
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    Re: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore

    hari o


    While I respect others views, I look at the issue from a different light. One does not deal with a problem on the level of the problem. If I am in the dark do I try and push out the dark ? I bring light. If I am hungry how do I eliminate the hunger ? I bring food.

    If one is invincible, how can a pebble, or bullet bother him ?

    If sanātana dharma is strong from where can any erosion come from ?
    The issue is not in the other religions but in some weakness within one's own practice or collective practice.

    If some one comes to your door and knocks... you can open the door or just not mind it. No one need become a victim.

    यतस्त्वं शिवसमोऽसि
    yatastvaṁ śivasamo'si
    because you are identical with śiva


  4. #14
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    Re: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore

    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    If sanātana dharma is strong from where can any erosion come from ?The issue is not in the other religions but in some weakness within one's own practice or collective practice praṇām
    The strength that is inherent is not complemented by the much desirable vigor and commitment of its adherents. They simply lack any will to educate their coreligionists nor do they want to erase the divisive elements that have crept into the culture (iam sure you all understand what iam talking about).

    On a constructive note I suggest that the mandirs can introduce some brief interludes of hindu doctrinal teachings between or at the end of every puja, arati etc. It is doable. Mere recitation of slokas in sanskrit which no one understands, though should be left as it is for obvious reasons, must be followed by a brief talk of , say 2 minutes, in local language explaining the hindu philosophy in broader terms (not about sampradayas). Lets campaign for this, shall we? Even after the kid makes a visit to mandir he/she walks out with only physical images in mind and nothing more! No lasting words are uttered that make an impact on the child. The abrahamic faiths on the otherhand grind their doctrines into the minds of kids and thats all they do, no pujas or rituals of import. Namaste.

  5. #15
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    Re: Pastor arrested for conversion bid in Bangalore


    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    If sanātana dharma is strong from where can any erosion come from ?
    The issue is not in the other religions but in some weakness within one's own practice or collective practice.
    Quote Originally Posted by charitra View Post
    On a constructive note I suggest that the mandirs can introduce some brief interludes of hindu doctrinal teachings between or at the end of every puja, arati etc. It is doable.
    Fight fire with fire. What do I mean? Rabbis, imams, ministers, preachers and priests of the RC, EO and Anglican Churches all give sermons! It has not occurred to me whether this is done in mandir or not.

    If one has ever been to one of the above mentioned services, even a wedding or funeral! one hears the clergyperson deliver a sermon extolling the virtues of the respective religion.

    Why shouldn't a pujari or a guest speaker, if not the pujari, give a "sermon", a teaching, stories, anything to light the fire of Hindu pride in the congregants who don't know anything other than the order of the puja?

    as a westerner who attended Christian churches for half of my life, I know the efforts clergypersons put into their semons. RC, EO and Anglican priests don't just get up to the pulpit and start yapping. They actually compose their sermons, and work on them for days. With the corpus of Hindu scripture and literature, couldn't a pujari or prominent member of the temple do at least the same, probably better?

    It's said that a fish begins to rot from the head; if the parents know little of their Hindu faith other than mindlessly following customs, how can they teach their children to appreciate Hinduism? How can they teach their children to avoid falling prey to unscrupulous evangelists (I know that's redundant).

    Maybe I am talking out of turn, and if so I apologize. However, I've said in the past, and been rebuffed, that if Hindus are strong enough in their faith, they will rebuff the advances of evangelists, proselytizers and missionaries.

    Years ago there was a tactic in the cities in the US called "block busting". One neighborhood resident who had some particular agenda, usually to change the demographic of the neighborhood, would go around telling the other neighbors that one of the neighbors was selling his house for $x.

    For Sale signs started popping up all over the neighborhoods. There was no real reason to sell, but people followed the herd. If each person said "No, we are staying put and not selling the house", the neighborhood could not change. "No" means "no". If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
    śivasya hridayam viṣṇur viṣṇoscha hridayam śivaḥ

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