Namaste Spirit Seeker,

Quote Originally Posted by Spirit Seeker View Post
What do hindus in general view the existence of Gods and Deities outside their own culture? I follow a Few African Religions and I personally believe that these same energies manifested differently to different parts of the world, and the people in those regions had their own interpretations for these energies.. So I believe a Lot of Gods fit "archetypes" having many facets, some can share 'identitys'.

Although I do agree the Abrahamic God is an exception in this case, I also believe negative entity's can be mistakenly worshiped taking advantage of our perceptual limitations and claim to be "God" or "Higher Power" etc
The answer will vary from one Hindu to the other as people have widely varying views on this. Some Hindus, like ISKCONites, accept only Krishna as God and don't accept even Shiva, Mother Goddess etc. which are considered God by other sects of Hindus. The Rig Veda sloka "Ekam Sat Viprāha Bahudhā Vadanti "Truth is One, though the Sages know it by many names.
Rig Veda (Book I, Hymn CLXIV, Verse 46) does accept various names for the same Truth or God. However, some will argue that it refers only to Vedic Devas as Rig Veda talks about only specific forms/names of God and not God as worshiped in other religions.

However, there are liberal Hindus who feel that God worshiped by people in any name and form by people of any religion is the same God and I will say that such Hindus are in majority. I believe that God becomes what he is worshiped as ... "Ref : Mudgala Upanishad)". So, it is you who creates a specific form and name and characteristics of God. The power lies in your devotion. If you have the devotion, God would come to you in the name and form that you worship.