Re: Question about criticism of "the Impersonalists"
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Hare Krishna,
Sorry Sahasranama but I have an objection with your statement. In Bhagavad Gita 18.66 — Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. You will see most Vaishnavas and ISKCON devotees that they are surrendered souls. They do everything for Lord's pleasure. So how can that be sectarian? It may be for you, but Krishna doesn't support it. You have got to accept knowldge from a disciplic succession(guru parampara). You can't simply say I am non-sectarian so I won't do this. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita 4.2 — This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost.
So we have to follow acaryas coming from one of the 4 disciplic successions and not simply say "I am non-sectarian".
Hari Bol!
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These verses about the four vaishnava sampradayas have been inserted later into the padma purana. If you read the puranas carefully, you can see that philosophically they are non sectarian texts and these interpolations do not fit in there contextually. There are also verses in the kurma purana that say that Madhvacharya was a demon. Obviously such sectarian polemic verses have been added later into the puranas. I am born in a Hindu family in the Shandilya gotra which goes back to Kashyapa rishi and my upanayana has been done by my grandfather. That is my sampradaya. I do not need some followers of a medieval sect telling me that I have to accept one of their pet gurus in order to practice Hinduism.
Couldn't agree with you more, interpolation in the Puranas are a blot in our medieval history, later corrupted by more demonic forces. That said we can still get inspiration from them, they were certainly not sectarian in nature.
Commenting on Gourahari BG 4.2 and 18.66, I like to point out that Lord Krishna say evam Parampara, he does not say evam sampradaya disciplic succession, I hope you can see the difference.
Also simply acknowledging Gita verses does not make us surrendered souls, you can’t really say Vaishnava and Iskcon devotee are therefore surrendered souls and not sectarian. What is more grandeur of delusion that permeates the a lot of sampradaya is this use of the word Bonifide Guru, you find from one alleged bonafide many more sub sect springs up simply because one does not agree with another so who is bonifide becomes very subjective.
The real parampara is what handed down from genration to genration from kula and gotra this is what Krishna says in Gita, notice he says surya to manu to Isvaku, Surya Vance and again 4.15 kuru karmaiva tasmat tvam purvaih purvataram krtam do your duty as that your ancestor did. Parampara does not mean Sampradaya.
Rig Veda list only 33 devas, they are all propitiated, worthy off our worship, all other names of gods are derivative from this 33 originals,
Bhagvat Gita; Shree Krishna says Chapter 3.11 devan bhavayatanena te deva bhavayantu vah parasparam bhavayantah sreyah param avapsyatha Chapter 17.4 yajante sattvika devan yaksa-raksamsi rajasah pretan bhuta-ganams canye yajante tamasa janah
The world disappears in him. He is the peaceful, the good, the one without a second.