Upon discovering this thread, I noticed all the usual Abrahamic disciplines - Judaism, Christianity, Islam and even other movements such as Baha'i and even Zororasterianism. However one I have noticed is absent is that of the Rastafari Movement.
I know most in the west don't know of the link between Judaism and Rastafari which I find is glaringly obvious when a glance is gave over the basics. However, there are more than a few links to Hinduism.
Here is a link to a Rastafari oriented site with their take on the links:-
With this being a non-Hindu take, admittedly it's info may miss the mark OR be outright incorrect. However, I do find the info interesting to see how Sanatana Dharma has linked with Abrahamic religions in some firm and created a new and separate tradition in its own right.
I think this whole area could be explored easier and without as much bible or qu'ran thumping as tends to happen when Christianity or Islam gets involved. Is there anything to be garnered or learned from the links between Rastafari Movement and Hinduism?
Thank you all on advance.
P.S I'm not affiliated or a part of the Rastafari Movement in anybody way (or to any other Abrahamic religion) just in case anyone gets a bit worried.