
I have decided to take a littie respite break from HDF for 3 months. Nothing of criticism or such, though things seem to be sort of tense of late especially in regards to the caste issue and what those who are like me should be allowed to see, hear, read, worship, be in the presence of, being no caste at all. But that isn't why I am seeking a little quality time with a Bhakti connection to The Great God Mahadev, it's just that right now I suddenly realized I am now making fundamental mistakes regarding Devi the Goddess which I need to account for.

Because of my mistakes, I think I will check out for three months, then visit a bit later and sort of start over again with the great benefits found on this forum and having great sharing with friends of Hinduism. As the prayer to Mother Annapurna goes, "my friends are the devotees of Mahadev", and I count every devotee of Krishna as Kali and every beloved Divine as such.

But while taking a bit of a "rest" if you will, does that mean my Membership ID will no longer function several months later?

TODAY I think of that Guru who was a dancer. He now dances in a place and on a field of stars no one can even imagine.