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Thread: New and searching

  1. New and searching

    My name is Amy and I come here in hopes of beginning a new journey. I was raised in a Christian home, and it has never 'fit' the way I wanted or needed it to. I have considered myself an atheist for some time, but frankly that doesnt fit either. For the last few months I have been researching different religions and faiths and I think that Hinduism may be the path for me. I desperately need to find some peace and have quiet within myself and I am wondering if this could be what I am seeking.

    So here is my question for all of you. I have no idea where to begin. If I were seeking out the Christian faith I would visit a church and ask for guidance there, however we live in a small town in NY where cows outnumber people and there isnt a Temple anywhere close to me. So with that being said, do I start with reading? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you all for any help you can offer!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    September 2007
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    Re: New and searching

    Vannakkam Amy: Welcome to HDF.

    For the philosophy, the internet is a good place to start, I guess. You can find a lot of free information on line. We have a library here on this site, thanks to the work of one of our members. For the non-book side of things, I always encourage a visit to a Hindu temple, even if you have to do an overnight trip. There are more temples around than you might think. Besides New York (obviously), Albany and Rochester and probably more have them. For introductory books that give you an overview, there is 'Idiot's Guide to Hinduism', or 'What is Hinduism?" which is free on-line. Others may suggest specific scriptures, but personally, I'd recommend the over-all look first.

    One really major difference between Hinduism and the faiths you grew up in is its vastness. If you ask questions on here, you're bound to get different answers. Really we're about 5 religions bundled under one name.

    Aum Namasivaya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    July 2010
    The Holy Land - Bharat
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    Re: New and searching

    Namaste Amy,

    I am researching for an appropriate guidance tutorial.

    Last edited by Believer; 02 August 2012 at 01:37 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    June 2012
    हम वासी उस देश के &#23
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    Re: New and searching

    Start reading bhagwat gita as it is the first step in spiritual staircase.It will tell u about the sanatan dharma philosophy & will also help increase ur knowledge of the subtle world.
    First read it just like a normal book,because there is a remote chance that u will have devotee mind in sanatan dharma so early.On the second reading u will have a devote intellect as there are concepts which can only be understood when u have full devotion.
    Read Indian translators.Iskcon version is good .Avoid indologists
    तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
    उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्वदर्शिनः ॥

    उस ज्ञान को तू तत्वदर्शी ज्ञानियों के पास जाकर समझ, उनको भलीभाँति दण्डवत्* प्रणाम करने से, उनकी सेवा करने से और कपट छोड़कर सरलतापूर्वक प्रश्न करने से वे परमात्म तत्व को भलीभाँति जानने वाले ज्ञानी महात्मा तुझे उस तत्वज्ञान का उपदेश करेंगे. श्रीमद्*भगवद्*गीता-4.34

  5. #5

    Re: New and searching

    thank you all!!!! i am excited about this journey and hope to find what i need!!

  6. #6

    Re: New and searching

    Namaste Amy
    At i want to say welcome to "HINDU DHARMA FORUMS".
    What every have any question regarding Hinduim and its culture you can ask here .... So may ppl here to answer ...

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